ATTN: Mothers of More than One Child

morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I am just curious.... Are there any mothers of more than one child that have been able to get a flat tummy. I was able to do it after my first child but it was all downhill after that. :angry: I have three. Most posts that I have read have not been very encouraging. Most people say that without surgery, you'll never seen it again.

Can anyone prove this theory wrong... Do you know anyone who has done it? Feel free to offer your input.


  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I have two friends that have had more than one and they both have flat tummys. One had three kids and the other had two...but, neither of them had to work for it, so it was genetics that did it for them.
  • My friend has five...FIVE..and the flattest, toned belly I have ever seen. She does have a flaw single stretch mark about 2 cm long. *sigh* Genetics.
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    I have three, all about 17 months apart. I managed to get the flat tummy back a couple of years after the last one. It's gone again...but I will get it back! For me, it really had tons to do with weight. I tend to think the weight that is ideal for me now is a silly low number, but when I reach it, I do indeed have the figure I want.

    What I want to know is.....has anyone gotten a flat tummy back after a hysterectomy????
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    There's a lady that does a lot of the Chalene Johnson workouts (Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire) and she has 7 kids (yes I said 7!!!!!!) and she has a stomach to envy. If you go to the Beachbody website and click on Turbo Fire and watch the little ad video they have, I think she's the one with the dark hair and dark blue and black sport bra on. She starts out the video and they cut to her after some of the home footage. They did a little "blerb" on her in one of the Turbo Jam infomercials years back. I'll try to find it on YouTube.....give me a little bit.

    Ok I found one.....

    Her name is Toni and they show her at about the 5:00 mark.....she has blond hair in this video but it's still her. It is possible you just have to work hard at it (thus says the girl who has had a "mom pooch" since she was a teenager, long before kids, LOL)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    My SIL is one of those blessed with a flat stomach after having 3 kids. I have 4 kids and a belly with loose, wrinkly skin - unfortunately, no amount of crunches or dieting will get rid of it. I have lost inches off my waist with diet and exercise, but that floppy skin remains!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I have 3 myself and was able to achieve it. Hard work and determination got me to where I am now. Diet is key though!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I have two boys...14 years apart in age. My belly is NOT THE SAME. I had a C section with the last child and, well, let's just say, I have a new roll where the scar is. After my first child, I was 23 at the time, I lost all my weight and my belly was able to get flat again. When I found out I was pregnant at 37, I weighed more then than when I delivered my first child. I would love to have my new roll disappear but I'm terrified of anesthesia...and I don't have the money to have surgery anytime soon. This isn't very encouraging, I know, but it's my story. :/ AND GENETICS have much to do with this issue, too! Nothing we can do about that, unfortunately.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Yep, I'd have to agree - some people are just simply genetically blessed - my sister in law is the same, 3 kids, no stretch marks and the weight just drops off her within weeks after baby is born - she is naturally a size 6/8 Australian (2/4 US) without strenuous exercise or dieting...
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I have 3 myself and was able to achieve it. Hard work and determination got me to where I am now. Diet is key though!

    What kind of diet changes did you make? low carbs and sugar?
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for the feedback ladies! One side of my genetic pool is very thin, even after child birth. But the other side is overweight. I guess we'll see which one is most dominate in me.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    i have 2 kids 7yr and 18 m
    heres a link to see pic
  • I'm a mother of 3 and I'm working on it. I have gotten close. My mom is 58 and had 3 children; she works out every day and her stomach is as flat as a washboard. Seriously. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is. She's in better shape than most people my age... and I'm 37. Yes, it can be done.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    i have 2 kids 7yr and 18 m
    heres a link to see pic

  • I think that genetics does play a role. I know women who have had TWINS, and didn't work out postpartum and their bellies are back to being flat again within months. Some ppl just seem more naturally predisposed to being thin. I don't know how to explain it, b/c I know several moms who basically bounced back and even LOST wt postpartum w/o any exercise and they aren't strict about their diets either.

    For me, I have never had really nice abs, even pre-kids. I was a lot skinnier, but my belly was never one I wanted to show off. Obviously, after 3 kids, it has only gotten worse. I am afraid I probably have diastis (sp) at this point, but I have about a good 40 lbs I need to lose in general and I do have a feeling I will be left with a big flap of skin. Already, I've lost wt and inches and my, "pooch" is smaller, but flabbier, my husband even noticed it. My mom has a saggy belly, and she has never even been overweight by more than 5 lbs or so, so it was her pregnancies that caused it (and she never gained THAT much and is one of those women that basically went back to her pre-pg wt w/o any exercise or special diet). So, I kind of feel like I am screwed, but it's not stopping me from wanting to become more fit again and to lose wt. I've always had a hard time losing wt, even when I was a teenager.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Yes I can prove it wrong...just not with my own body as proof. ...Heidi Klum, Victoria Beckham, :tongue:

    There's also another member, her username is shreddintit and she looks phenomenal. I think she's had 2 children and she has FLAT abs!! Super inspirational.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    i have 2 kids 7yr and 18 m
    heres a link to see pic

    Haha--I just used you as the example about having flat abs after having children. Too funny that you responded too.
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