Training Advice for The Warrior Dash

I have decided that I want to participate in the Warrior Dash that will be in our area in August. Considering my current weight and fitness level this may be a stretch but it is a goal none the less. Not really concerned about competing against others....just want to be able to complete the darn thing. Does anyone have any advice about training for an event like this?


  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Good for you! I have no advice for you. I wanted to try it myself when it was here this past Jan but I chickened out. I am interested in what advice others may have. Perhaps I will sign up for it when it is back here next Jan.

    Good luck to you! I admire your desire to do this!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    I did it back in January and I never really "ran" before then, so it was my first "5k". The running I don't think is too bad, but look at the map for your obstacles. We had to hop over and under walls, which takes some arm muscles. Its a very friendly competition and people will help, I feel a few times and was helped up. Its so much fun, so don't stress. :)
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    I am doing one in June. I just plan on running and working on my upper body strength (which is nonexistent). I could be fooling myself but it doesn't look too bad. Tough Mudder looks much harder.

    I am interested in hearing what past participants have to say.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Awesome! I to am doing one in my area in August, this is my first 5k and commitment to anything like this! I am so excited!! I have just been working on my running endurance and upper body strength then hoping for the best! lol I honestly don't care what place I come in, I just want to have fun and be able to say I did it. It will probably become an annual thing for me! Good luck to you!
  • WarriorJayne
    I love the Warrior Dash! From what I've read basically there isnt a lot of running, because people start to slow on the trails... you just have to be able to do the courses. you can skip any obstacle you want! You'll just be disqualified for awards but you can still be apart of the festivities after. I decided to not run this years, but use my training for some Quarter Marathons this year. I have no fear that I will be able to finish the course, I just want to make sure I finish in one piece.

    Running joke is: A Warrior should train by running on a treadmill while eating a turkey leg in a Winnie the Pooh suit.

    Good Luck!!
  • WarriorJayne
    I love the Warrior Dash! From what I've read basically there isnt a lot of running, because people start to slow on the trails... you just have to be able to do the courses. you can skip any obstacle you want! You'll just be disqualified for awards but you can still be apart of the festivities after. I decided to not run this years, but use my training for some Quarter Marathons this year. I have no fear that I will be able to finish the course, I just want to make sure I finish in one piece.

    Running joke is: A Warrior should train by running on a treadmill while eating a turkey leg in a Winnie the Pooh suit.

    Good Luck!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Just a bit of advice to everyone who wants to do the Warrior Dash. Sign up early. I tried to sign up for the PA one in June and there are only late afternoon times on Sunday available.
  • jjhenry5
    jjhenry5 Posts: 80 Member
    I did Warrior Dash last October in Nor Cal, and I'm doing it again in 3 weeks in Arizona. I think the main thing is to have the endurance to get through 3.5 miles running. If you can do a 5k, then it won't be a problem. The obstacles weren't all that tough, but some upper body strength will help on some of them. For me the hardest part was getting through the mud pit at the end; that was the densest, stickiest mud I've ever seen. It certainly didn't help that I was in costume though.

    Most of all though, it is soooo much fun. No one cares what the finish time is, it's just a big party. Have fun!