I gained weight last week while following my numbers and nee



  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    I do believe it's water weight honestly after reading everyone's responses here. I was thinking those extra 32 oz of water would flush the too much sodium (which I knew I had) out of my system but I think it's hanging in there. Onward with the fresh determination, valuable information and great support from everyone today.
  • yargls
    yargls Posts: 6 Member
    Let me suggest "The Hacker's Diet".... http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/www/hackdiet.html (This is a free online book written by John Walker in the 90s, never published)

    He suggest you weigh in everyday at the same time if possible. Seems most MFP folks, get up, pee, strip and step on the scales. That's what I do.

    I have a smart phone (android) and use the following app to track my progress..

    There may be an app for the iphone or PC/Mac that does something similar (the book uses Excel formulas). What's unique about this app (and the diet) is that it tracks your weight over time using a moving average. This is nice because your water weight can vary quite a bit from day to day, but the moving average allows you to see that your weight is still on a downward slope in spite of the daily variations. It can help you deal with the inevitable plateaus and spikes. So long as your weight stays below the trend line, you're still on track as far as your weight loss goals go. I would find a weekly weigh in dangerous to my psyche, I've seen my weight vary up or down a couple of pounds from day to day. Were I to weigh in weekly and that particular day be an up day....eww.

    Good luck!