i cant poo.

I dont know if anyone else has this problem...but i never poop. My mom is the same, i can go 2 weeks and nothing, i take exlax to sometimes, cuz i feel clogged up and feel that i should be going...it doesnt really help me much....i dunno just thought id see if anyone else has the same problem..

also would like to know...i hadnt been drinking fluids, at all really....and ive been struggling to lose any more weight so i decided i would start drinking tons of water and that would help me lose...well its been a week and i never peeked at the scale...weighed in this morning and i gained 6 pounds! wtf.


  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    How much water are you having?

    How are you doing for fibre?
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    Not going to the bathroom is bad real bad... you have to keep your self full of fuilds... exlax is bad for you try something natural a herbal cleans would be better for you...Yes add fiber to your diet try either fiber bars or drinks..
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Wow that is a long time! I know some peoples movements vary but that seems a little too long... maybe see a doctor and in the meantime up your fibre and water intake.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I was having the same problem. I increased my water alot. I also. When i feel like i have to go, i have a little step stool in the bathroom. I put my feet on it. And it really helps me go. I heard it on Dr. oz...
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I've had this problem all of my adult life. I used to take activia and it helped, but I quit taking that a while back. Just got sick of it. Anyways, now that I'm getting my FULL 8 + glasses of water a day, I find that I go every day now. I am so excited. I used to get the worst pains ever from constipation. So bad that when I went into early labor, I at first thought I was just really constipated, because that's how bad my pains would get! Anyways, if you stay hydrated, it should help you go more often.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    Try Miralax. It's over the counter now and great for people with chronic constipation. And it mixes in with whatever you are already drinking.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Try Miralax. It's over the counter now and great for people with chronic constipation. And it mixes in with whatever you are already drinking.

    Yes, that is what I was going to recommend. Works great and can be taken daily.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I had a problem of only going once every two days. So make sure to drink tons of water. I use Fiber Bars. Kellogs Fiber Bars are awesome. I recommend to start with only have a bar and make sure you have to access to the bathroom. If that doesnt work I would definitely consult a doctor.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    It's a characteristic of having too much protein so check that, you need to drink water - which is sounds like you are, and eat more fiber & natural foods vs processed foods. take fiber bills w/your meals.
  • elyckrd
    elyckrd Posts: 3
    Try a magnesium suplement, fiber, and lots of water. And talk to your doctor!!:smile:
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I had this problem all of my life!!!!! I know do, Bob's Red mill HIgh Fiber cereal in the morning. This has worked for the last I don't know month or so. I also notice that when I'm eating all the right stuff, my clean diet, I go once a day. I know most say after every meal, but I'll take what I can, so if I go every day I'm happy!! I also do an apple almost every morning with my breakfast and try and get in close to a gallon of day. If you're exercising and drinking plenty of water you should start seeing some changes. Hope this helps. I also have taken Napolina Pills, which I find only at my local Mexican stores. They work wonders!! And all the ingredients are natural. They also have a website if you can't find them in your area. Good luck!!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    you should talk to your doctor. This may be your normal and your body is fine with it but you should establish a documented baseline before you are ever hospitalized. In the hospital, three days with out a bowel movement is required to take further actions such as laxatives or enemas and even more invasive procedures and tests if nothing is produced and released. Just fyi.

    Now how is your water and fiber consumption? i would try to increase both and see if there is a change.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    You may also want to modify your diary so that it tracks sodium and fiber intake as well. (Home Tab > Settings > Change your "Nutrients Tracked").

    Increasing your fluids and fiber intake would be beneficial. Also, if you haven't done so all ready, I would seek the opinion of a doctor.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    You gained weight b/c of all the poo clogging you up.

    Drinks lots of water, avoid processed prepackaged foods, increase your fiber intake, and eat lots of veggies. Keep drinking lots of water. Once you are able to poo on a regular basis, you will see weight loss.

    I have a homemade laxative recipe, but I will have to go find it. Someone gave it to me when I was having side effects from allergy meds.
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Definitely try increasing the amount of fiber you eat. And by that, I mean real, natural fiber. Try not to depend on bars and cereals that claim to have 50% DV of fiber; I'm no expert, but it's generally best to get things in as natural a state as possible. My diet is fairly high in fiber, and I have no problems -- this may be TMI, but I usually go at least twice a day.

    I hope you're able to get things back on track. Over the long term, I can't imagine that's good for your system. Good luck!
  • ehlertmartha
    I had the same problem but the key to it is to drink lots of water and also eat the yummie fiber helps alot
    i eat the fiber one cereal in the morning everyother day
  • Ninetta
    Ninetta Posts: 71 Member
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    2 weeks?? I think you should get advice from a nutritionist/doctor, because if it really is 2 weeks in between going you are holding on to toxins from the food in your body and that's no good. I have a similar problem, but mine is 2-3 days in between and my doc says it should be everyday. I was prescribed some stuff but it's for treatment of short term constipation because I told her I was changing my diet (upping fiber and water). We'll see what gives. But for you I absolutely recommend upping your fiber and water and supposedly lemon water first thing in the morning is a natural diuretic but I haven't tried it myself yet.
  • HotrodMoma
    If you have been taking a laxative for a long time, your body becomes dependant on it and screws everything up and you can't go on your own anymore. I would go to the Dr. Also, i was so backed up from medication, i asked the Doc for the bowl prep. They use it before colonoscopys. It cleaned me out and i started all over. Fiber and water are a must. Good luck :)
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    All Natural Laxative

    Not a flavor savor but work...
    Cancer patients use this because of the meds

    1 1/4 cups unprocessed bran
    1 cup prune juice
    1 tablespoon molasses or honey
    1 cup applesauce

    make 18 (2 tablespoons) servings

    if 2 tablespoons is not enough can use 3-4

    I see a lot of people are talking about fiber bars. They are usually filled with sugar. Eat lots of veggies, use flax seed in some form.