Protein intake after a workout

lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
my typical workout routine is the following:
I switch my routine every other day- so today, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday I do 60 minutes of cardio and then strength training on various machines throughout the gym (legs, abs, arms, back). On the other days I do 90 minutes of cardio (typically on the arch trainer, my new obsession).

my question is- when do I need my protein? I typically have a protein shake or a bar if I can't get home in my 15-45 minute window of time. Should I be having my protein within the 15-45 minutes of finishing my cardio or after my strength training? Do I need as much protein after a workout that only consists of cardio? I'm never sure- I always hear "after your workout" but is that after cardio AND strength or no?

Thanks all :)


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ipit, Im no expert, but fitness trainers all say to EAT PROTIEN after your work out, regardless if its cardio or strength got your body moving and the best thing is to eat protein within the hour

    one reason why I m pushing myslef on strength training is that you kinda keep burning calories long after the work out, .......I hope thats true, cuz Im working really had on strength training

    also, because I enjoy cardio, I finish it up with cardio to help burn calories so I can eat healthy that day.............Im not an expert but I have read where its helpful to eat proten, esp for building up muscle....................Lloyd
  • lipt8611
    lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for your input. Are you saying that once I finish my complete workout, regardless of what it is is when I should be having my protein? Just want to make sure I am having my nutrition at the most valuable and crucial times
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ipitt, again, Im not a fitness expert or nutritionist, but I was advised to eat protien within an hour of my work out, regardless of that type and body was using it to build muscle

    maybe some one with experience and knowledge could answet Ipitt.........My information is 2nd hand, but Im using it and its paying off for me...........

    good luck Ipitt.........Lloyd