Hit a goal...sort of

wewon Posts: 838 Member
My goal for the end of April was to go down a pants size. I figured that this was attainable and safe and I correlated it to a weight.

I figured that when I was at 205lbs that I would have a 36" waiste back (since that is about when I switched to a 38").

Well, this morning I just ran out of holes for my belt and I'm starting to look like a gansta rapper the way my pants sag, but my weight is still 210lbs.

I've been lifting weights and running (check my diaries for details) so I imagine that there is muscle, but wouldn't weight and body dimensions still correlate for the same person? Its not like I'm comparing myself to someone else.

I'm 6' tall if that's any help.


    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    Sometimes you body still loses inches even when you don't see the change on the scale. Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Agree with that: if you had no fat and started working out you would expect to get heavier wouldn't you?
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    I have had similar happen to me. I saved my one-size-down pants for when I lost that 10 lbs. When I lost it, my pants didn't fit the same as before. Go figure!
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    I've been on a 3 month plateau but still managed to go down a pant size with the exercising I've been doing. I lost an inch in my waist and hips. Sometimes it doesn't add up and I'm still confused with it too but the tummy is flatter and the legs are too. Makes the pants fit better!! lol.
  • kbirk1963
    kbirk1963 Posts: 42
    I dieted for 10 weeks but only lost 10 pounds....But I dropped 3 pant sizes..it was amazing. So, don't get down, keep up the good work.
  • Tattooedmom44
    Tattooedmom44 Posts: 93 Member
    A similar thing is happening to me. I have only lost 3 pounds so far, but I can fit into some of my old jeans again (and actually still breath) :laugh: I think I put too much emphasis on what the scale says, instead of how I feel and how my clothes fit.
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