Treadmill Desk

ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
I design and write software for a living which means that I sit at a desk and type. Not much chance to lose weight while I'm chained to a desk, is there?

Well, actually, there is!

At a conference last fall, a fellow programmer told me about a "treadmill desk" that he uses. Yes, it's a treadmill parked in front of his desk. He sets the speed to about 1 1/2 MPH and starts walking. While he works.

I was surprised that you could combine the two activities but Dave, the fellow who told me about this, assured me that you pick it up really quickly.


Just search for "treadmill desk". Some of the hits will take you to a company that makes the whole desk and treadmill combo but it's a little spendy for me. There are links to setting up your own, though. Just get a used/cheap treadmill and get to work with some small power tools and you're all set!


  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Now that is a novel idea if ever I heard one. What a great way for those with sedentary jobs to get in some movement during the long work day.

    Thanks for the information. :D
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    :bigsmile: nice!!
  • KDemon
    KDemon Posts: 18
    I saw this somewhere and would love to be able to incorporate something like that at my job, but can't persuade the company to go for it.

    However, on the same show they suggested using a yoga ball instead of a chair at your desk as you have to be fully engaged in your body to make it work. I don't quite have the nerve to move a yoga ball into my office (that I share with lots of others), but I am thinking about one for the home computer.

    Cheaper than a treadmill too

  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    My hubby is a web designer/developer and has the same problem. One of his friends actually made a treadmill desk. He says he can work pretty well, but that it took a while to get the hang of it. He doesn't do a lot of typing like a developer or programmer. I wonder how accurately you could type. He did say he has to reduce the speed to do some stuff.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I wonder how accurately you could type. He did say he has to reduce the speed to do some stuff.
    That was my thinking, too, but Dave said that it works just fine for him.
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    depending on how low your desk is, you can also use a stability ball as your chair to keep your core active while you sit and work. I for one, am too clumsy to use it. but I like to try. I just end up laughing too much to get any work done.