had a baby 4 weeks ago and breastfeeding, okay to loose weig

danaalen1980 Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined today, I had my first child almost 4 weeks ago and gained 30 pounds total during my pregnancy. I was lucky enough to drop 20 pounds right after giving birth, but since I have been breastfeeding I find that I am starving all day long no matter what I eat or how much. I want to get down to 105-110, I am only 5'2" and was a healthy 110 before pregnancy and I am now 120. I am worried that loosing more of the weight could affect my milk supply?? I am also not sure what would be a good calorie range to stay in as you born 500 calories a day from breastfeeding. I can not do any exercise yet as I had a c-section and due to blood loss during the surgery I am also severly anemic on top of it. Any suggestions???


  • Any suggestions???
    Ask your OB/GYN.

    A quote from the wife's OB/GYN, "It took you 9 months to gain that weight. You won't lose it overnight". Patience. You aren't far off from your target.
  • msumissa
    msumissa Posts: 2 Member
    Additionally, you need to make sure that you have an extra 400ish calories for milk production. You are 4 weeks out from having a baby. You are only 10 lbs over your pre pregnancy weight. You are doing great!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I know one thing... I had 6 kids... if you are breast feeding don't try to lose weight. Just eat a healthy balanced diet with a little extra calories for the baby. Exercise is fine.
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    Yeah, you are going to lose more weight. You are only 4weeks pp! Enjoy your baby! Also, you need to eat no fewer than 2000 cal/day. Actually probably even up to 2500 daily if you are exclusively nursing and/or exercising. If you feel hungry you probably are - eat! You burn a TON of calories breastfeeding! I nursed 3.
    Good luck!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    you need to eat. If you don't eat you will feel crummy and your milk will shut down. 4 weeks postpartem is not a long time. Give it a couple more weeks. If you already lost 20 pounds, you are well on your way to getting the rest off. Focus on your baby and eating the right things so that your milk supply stays up. That is the best thing you can do for your baby. When I had my kids I would get so caught up in them and forget to eat and my supply would drop and I would also get dizzy spells. Not good when you have anewborn! Congratulations and good luck!
  • my aunt said the same thing ;) not being able to get back into my normal work-out routine is a little hard for me, but I do not want to do any damage to my incision so i won't exercise until I have the go ahead from my doctor.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I agree with previous advice. Patience. I know it seems hard to get it but trust me, my son is 2.5 and I am just now losing the weight but only because I just started really trying. I also breastfed and for me, it was the absolute most important thing I did at the time. I wanted nothing more than to provide food for my child and I was not about to do ANYTHING that might affect that. This is only my opninion but you really need to understand the importance of breastfeeding and know that is what is important right now. The weight will come off with time. Right now, focus on your child!!!!! Enjoy this time because it does not last long.
  • I know one thing... I had 6 kids... if you are breast feeding don't try to lose weight. Just eat a healthy balanced diet with a little extra calories for the baby. Exercise is fine.

    ^^That!! You need to hold onto that 10 lbs to maintain your supply. You will lose it after you wean. Just think of it as a means to keep your sweet baby healthy :heart:
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I had a c section (actually 5 of them total) and it is VERY important to let your body heal. I would start out with walking until the doc says you are cleared to do more exercise - usually 6 to 8 weeks. My doc gave me a "belly binder" which helped support my incision more. I am still nursing and mfp has helped me to track my calories so much better. You do need to make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough - I would add at least 400 calories to whatever goal for the day is on mfp. Also, do not try to lose more than 1.5 pounds per week, your body may have a hard time producing enough milk. You only gained 30 pounds during your pregnancy, and have lost 20 - that is really awesome. I gained 70 with my last pregnancy, have 20 more to lose and I will be happy with that. Best of luck to you! Congrats on your new baby!!!!
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    Definately ask your OBGYN before starting any exercise regimen. But as far as calories go, I would take the number MFP gives you for net calories, make sure you eat as much of them as you can, add in your breastfeeding calories burned (either in your exercise diary or food diary, or even adding it under settings to your total net cals. Eating enough and drinking enough are important for maintaining milk supply, and will not inhibit your weight loss. Taking a prenatal vitamin still will help make sure that you have enough calcium and iron in your diet for both your body and your baby's. Congrats on the new baby and welcome to the joys of motherhood!:flowerforyou:
  • beardofdarwin
    beardofdarwin Posts: 5 Member
    I had a C section last year with some rough complications afterward because I was doing too much activity. It took me a solid 12 weeks to heal in the long run, I should have been patient and taken it easy. You should relax and enjoy your sweet little baby. Congratulations!
  • Thanks for all the advice, i do not want to do anything to make my milk production decline! It is really important to me to be able to breastfeed for at least the first six months and not have to suppliment with formula. I will just concentrate on eating as healthy well-balanced diet as possible so my baby gets the best nutrition. This site is going to be great to help me track what I am eating and how much water I am drinking as well.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Please, please consult with your OBGYN.
  • ruth0815
    ruth0815 Posts: 4 Member
    My daughter loved breast feeding. She ate healthy and drank tons of water (at least 3-20 oz bottles per day) MyDon't worry about those few pounds enjoy your 1 on 1 special time with your new baby. Treasure every second. You can never get it back, and you'll be amazed how fast the time goes. She loved the eating part, and now 10 months after the birth she's actually smaller than she was before she got pregnant. It won't be long and you'll be able to walk or run or work-out, and those extra pounds will be gone. daughter also pumped and stock piled her milk. I'm pretty sure she'll have enough to keep the baby on breast milk until she's a year old.
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