Feeling a bit down today.

jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I started my journey back in Sept and have lost 53 lbs. I am very proud of myself, and I have about 30 more lbs to go. It just seems like everytime I look in the mirror I get so depressed @ my tummy. Everything else is changing and toning, but after the weight loss and 2 kids all I see is a flabby tummy that I feel won't ever go away without surgery that I probably wont be able to afford. My overall goal was to wear a bikini this summer and I just don't think its going to happen for me. Its depressing! I know its going to take work but I feel like I should have been there by now, ya know? Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    I can understand how frustrating that can be....try to focus on the positive changes. You are a thiner, happier, healthier mom for your kids and wife for your husband. Plus 30 pounds will make a big difference, I think your tummy will tone yet.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Awwww........53 lbs is an AMAZING thing to accomplish!!! I have 2 kids also, and I keep plugging away hoping ONE DAY maybe I can sneak a bikini, too!!:)
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I love my kids. I hate what they did to my tummy! lol. I think one of the worst and hardest parts to lose weight is that lower abdomen.

    Great job, though on all your hard work.

    We will get there, one mom to another!
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    I hear you loud and clear...I am a mom of 4 and it does seem like the tummy is the last to go...but don't give up...and thank God that you are a healthier mommy for your 2 beautiful children....keep your head held high and you can do this :flowerforyou:
  • Don't be hard on yourself you have a lot to be thankful for! You have lost weight & you have 2 beautiful Children! Don't give up you will get there thise last few lbs are harder than the first few. Hang in there!!! : -)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • KDemon
    KDemon Posts: 18
    Wow, look at you success so far. That in itself is inspiring to me. I notice on my own weight loss/gain/loss journey that the bits I hate most are the last to go. Don't dispair, I bet that the tummy will go as you continue on your awesome journey - go you!
  • tessalder
    tessalder Posts: 3 Member
    What are you doing for exercise? I know that when I gain weight, especially in my tummy area, I walk and run and do crunches. Try exercises that focus on your core. That will help tone your tummy even more and you will be on your way without the surgery.
  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow first.....I'm so proud of you for that weight loss!!! You have done a great job!!!

    As for the tummy and skin issues I'm thinking your skin will catch up with the weight loss as long as it isn't too fast and you're exercising. Be sure to include plenty of vitamin C in your diet and supplements as it helps produce collagen and that helps with the elasticity of your skin. Also remember that you are also helping yourself get healthy inside and less stress on your joints.
  • I hear ya! I feel the same way after 2 kids. However I stop sometimes and look at them and think how blessed I am. Sure... you might have a little extra around the tummy... but look what you have now:) 2 beautiful children who love you for being you. I use to dwell on it all the time... but now I just focus on being healthy for myself and my family. It took me awhile but my attitude is much better and I am happier with my life. I get down sometimes... but I have so much to be thankful for... I can't let one small thing get me down. Best of luck! I hope things work out for you and that you look at yourself as a beautiful mother! :smile:
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    sweety I know how you feel! My youngest child is 4 years old and I kept on thinking that if i got back to my pre-pregnancy weight my tummy would look OK again but when I got there my tummy still looked terrible:devil: ! I am now 4lb over my pre-child weight but have no idea how low I will need to go to sort this gut out and its the last thing to shrink no matter what I do. Its really frustrating and un-motivating but you just have to keep on. You have done amazing and I bet those around you think you look great even if you don't see it x x
  • emilex
    emilex Posts: 95 Member
    I am sorry you are feeling blue and not happy with yourself today. But everybody else is right....the weight you have already lost is so fantastic! It's very inspirational. I know that doesn't make your tummy flat but goodness...you have come a long way! In the end...even if you don't wear a bikini...I can only imagine how much more awesome you will look in any bathing suit since you have lost 53 pounds!
  • juliee77x
    juliee77x Posts: 8 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, but try to look at things differently. You have done an amazing job of losing that much weight! You have done something incredible. Like you, I also hate my tummy area, but keep at it. I have read articles where they say to target more cardio and focus on your core muscles.
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    thank you everyone..this was just the pick-me-up I needed =) I do have a lot to be thankful for!

    As for my exercises.. I do tons of classes at the gym
    3 classes a week of zumba
    2/wk of weight training
    1/wk yoga/pilates
    1/wk kickboxing
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    You are doing an amazing job. I do feel your pain... I don't believe I will EVER be able to wear a bikini in public... the thought makes me cringe. I'm mother to 3 wonderful kids, but they killed my midsection. I am losing SOME fat around the middle, but it's still flabby and covered in stretch marks. Keep at it, though... I have seen some AMAZING results from women who lost 100+ pounds and COULD go out in a bikini, so there is hope for all of us mommy's yet! Don't give up... you CAN do it! You can do anything! :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I know what its like.
    Iv been dieting for 2 years now and havent yet dropped a dress size.
    and its so frustrating!
    i just want to loose weight already!
    altho its not my belly thats my main problem area, its my legs..
    and i feel like if i dont get surgery i will never get the legs of my dreams.
    but its at times like this when i have to work harder than ever!

    Dont give up on yourself and one day you'l notice the fat shift!
    It just might not happen as soon as you would hope.
  • 1hotmama2b
    1hotmama2b Posts: 24 Member
    After 3 kids- 2 BIG babies, and another premature emergency csection..... I'm with you!!! However, I can say from my experience after my second baby (who was 10lbs. 8 oz.) I eventually lost all the weight, my tummy never went back to what it was, however, when she was 18 months I did wear a sexy monokini in Mexico last January (I would post a picture but I'm pretty computer illiterate). That was about 6 months after losing the bulk of the weight, and i still had a tiny bit of skin, but it does tone up a lot, it just takes longer than the weight loss.... Now, if I could just lose the weight this time.....lol
  • Re-adjust your outlook. There are a ton of bikinis that have a little more material (check lands end) your kids probly would want you to be covered instead of in a string :) Maybe slip into an old fat swimsuit - now that will be saggin! You inspire so many peeps on here my dear, don't let body image issues be a deterrent on your journey.

    O if you lived in Wisconsin (like me) I would say go to one of the indoor waterparks - there are some big *kitten* women there with some really cute 2 piece suits that are flattering.
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