P90X & People Who've Done Multiple Rounds

For those of you who have done multiple rounds of P90X, how long did you wait between rounds? I'm just going into phase 3 and am really beginning to see some changes. I knew when I started this that I would be doing more than one round and now that I'm approaching the final stretch I want to make sure I have a game plan in place. I know me, if I don't already have a start date for the next round I'll just put it off indefinitely and I don't want to do that!

I was kind of thinking about take a two week break before gearing up again. This doesn't mean I won't be doing anything during those two weeks though! I do Taekwondo twice a week regardless of other workouts I do and that will continue. I also have a treadmill and a variety of other DVD's (though none as intense as the P90X workouts.) It would probably be mostly cardio and yoga/pilates during the break (and maybe I'll finally try Zumba!)

What do you think? Should I just take a week break like during the program or is two weeks ok? I don't want to wait too long or I'll flake out. :P (BTW, I don't follow their nutrition plan so I would continue with my own personal eating plan no matter what exercise I'm doing.)


  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    Bump - (because I would like to know the same thing)
  • lerchfighter

    I'm on phase 4 of P90X and I have not taken breaks in between each phase. I committed to doing it for a whole year before I evaluate the program and I have to say that phases 3 and 4 have, with the addition of MFP, given me the best results. I'm kind of on track to be a P90X guy for life because, at 47, I'm in better shape and look better that I did when I was a 25 year-old Marine in great shape (have lost 40 lbs and 8 inches off of my waist).

    I'm going to take a 6 week break at the end of the year but am going to substitue the P90X resistance videos with good old-fashioned weight training at a gym 3-4 days a week. On the other 2-3 days I'm going to do the plyometrics or other rigorous cardio (I play a lot of basketball with the old guys).

    After the 6 weeks on the weights, I'll start another year of P90X. For me, it's the only way to go as I travel about 20 days a month and I can always find a gym with the weights I need. The cardio DVD's are easy to do in the room.

    To answer your main question; I've always found myself sore everytime I restart a phase so I'm a firm believer in the muscle confusion phylosophy they claim. If you're pushing hard in the videos and you still feel a little sore when you start a new phase, I think you're making good progress.

    Hope that helps.

    Uncle Ted
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Through the winter I took two week breaks in between rounds, but I was shocked at how sore I got when I started back the first time. So the second time I did some light strength training during my "off" weeks and made sure to do a few pull ups, push ups and such as they really make me sore if I get out of practice. Now that nice weather is here I'm doing P90X strength training but going outdoors three days a week running and cycling. I'm also going to alternate with Supreme 90 in the summer for the shorter workouts so I can get out more.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Thank you! I really like the structure and P90X was exactly what I needed as far as a routine for strength training. A gym is not an option for me right now and he hits all the major body parts so I've really appreciated that part. I know some people get bored with the same DVD's over and over again but I feel like even after doing this for almost 60 days (I'm in recovery week) I am nowhere near perfecting most of the exercises. My type A personality wants to "make it pretty"! :)

    I think I'll go ahead and take a 2 week break then jump right back in. I am finally seeing the beginnings of change in my body and I really don't want to lose that momentum. And I really like the strength training! Thanks again for responding!
  • sonjarbrn
    sonjarbrn Posts: 1
    It is recommended to do a recovery week, but unless you have an injury, it is okay to start after you complete it. Personally, I would do a recovery week (follow your schdule) that way your body can recovery from the last phase. Good luck to you all!!! I know I absolutely have planned to make this a life long change, just not a 90 day thing. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to message me at: sonjarbrn@beachbodycoach.com or sonjarbrn@aol.com. KEEP PUSHING PLAY & BRINGIN' IT! :) Youcan also sign up for me to be your personal coach for free. I can message you the details, just let me know!