waking up hungry at 3 AM

Not sure what happened but I was so hungry at 3 am I wokke up. I ate all of my calories and exercise ones yesterday. Has this happened to you? What do you do about it?


  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    YEEEEESSSSS!!!!v I drink a large glass of water and go back to sleep. If that doesnt work, I try to eat a banana or something healthy; but the water usually curbs it.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    ooooh you got some great advice! A glass of water and a small piece of fruit is indeed the fix. You won't sleep good if your tummy is growling. Don't feel guilty about eating a small 3:00am snack, besides it counts for the next day's calories, not the day you just finished.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I almost always save myself a couple hundred calories for a midnight snack. It's usually a couple spoons of peanut butter or a handful of nuts.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    yea sometimes I get up to eat around that time ...usually toast with tiny PB or almonds or oj..then back to bed:smile:
    if the body needs then it gets!
  • Happilynappyme
    Since I gave birth to my daughter and breast fed her for 18 months I always had a snack after my 3am feeding. Although the breastfeeding stopped a year ago the 3am hunger has not. I try to drink water or eat something healthy as well but I still wish I could stop this habit!!!!!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    Thanks everyone great advice! I will start keeping water by my bed. I did not eat until 5thirty though cause I felt guilty :) thanks again
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I ate all of my calories and exercise ones yesterday.

    You should be doing that everyday anyway. Goal and net cals ought to be equal by day's end. In other words: EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES.

    I bet as soon as you start doing that, you won't wake up in the middle of the night starving. I've lost 29.2 lbs. since January eating my exercise calories. I highly recommend it.

    MFP factored your deficit in for you. If you're not eating exercise cals, you're creating an even bigger deficit, depriving your body of the fuel it needs to function properly.

    Good luck!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I started 3 days ago and I have been eating them. thanks.
  • keareestin
    keareestin Posts: 2 Member
    I'm always hungry in the middle of the night. I try to keep healthy snacks/low cal that are easy and quick to eat: dried apricots, raisins or prunes, sugar free jello, canned fruit, deli meat, 100 calorie granola bars, applesauce. That usually keeps me satisfied until breakfast.
  • LindsAMill
    I used to wake up nightly hungry and couldnt go back to sleep until I ate something. I couldnt figure out why my body wasn' tusing my own fat... It was very annoying. But I started being treated for a form of sleep apnea, and I STOPPED WAKING UP HUNGRY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. The problem was I wasn't really sleeping. Part of my brain had to stay awake to keep me breathing, so my body was prompting me for food like I was awake, because my brain was awake.

    THIS IS A SLEEPING THING, NOT AN EATING THING!! Please see a sleep doctor, and have a sleep study... It can't hurt. If it is a sleep disorder, your everything will improve when you start actually sleeping. Mine has! I posted comments because I had struggled with this for 15 years and have never met another person whose has this same problem!