Stop Buying It!



  • Girlypeekaboo
    my problem is the hubby buys it. He knows I like it so he gets it - then I eat it. I have to do the shopping because I won't actually buy much junk - just the occasional ice cream usually. Now, if I can just get him to stop bringing me junk!!!

    That is my life!! He tries to do good, he goes but it makes u happy, i got yeah for a second then major guilt trip and exercising my butt off....just yesterday he bought 3 bags of easter candy and two new lip colors for i can control myself pretty well, but sometimes i cant, i love that he loves me the way i am n that my weight isnt bothering him, but its bothering me esspecially since im in the South n its gettin HOT down here....just last week he bought me mint moosetrack ice cream...i took two bites n just couldnt, i threw it away he just laughed lolz....atleast he didnt get mad ;)
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    i keep a apple in my purse. It's easier to navigate, and resist temptation, while munching on a crunchy sweet snack.
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    Good Post! I'd like to know if anyone else struggles with spouses or other family/ room mates buying junk and keeping it around. I am not at all tempted in the store, but if it's in the house and I get a craving, it's over.
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    my problem is the hubby buys it. He knows I like it so he gets it - then I eat it. I have to do the shopping because I won't actually buy much junk - just the occasional ice cream usually. Now, if I can just get him to stop bringing me junk!!!

    That is my life!! He tries to do good, he goes but it makes u happy, i got yeah for a second then major guilt trip and exercising my butt off....just yesterday he bought 3 bags of easter candy and two new lip colors for i can control myself pretty well, but sometimes i cant, i love that he loves me the way i am n that my weight isnt bothering him, but its bothering me esspecially since im in the South n its gettin HOT down here....just last week he bought me mint moosetrack ice cream...i took two bites n just couldnt, i threw it away he just laughed lolz....atleast he didnt get mad ;)

    I guess that answers my question!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'm a big number 5 shopper. Fruits, veggies, meat, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese. wheat bread.
    I do occasionally go down aisles for a few things (brown rice, vitamins)
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    ^ Nice. When I was at my most poor, I didn't even buy meat. Main protein sources were milk, cheese, and beans. I gotta say, being poor sucks, but I sure don't get tempted by nutritionally bankrupt food anymore. It's a waste of my cash!