

  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    The point is, you only take it if you're in a calorie deficit anyway, so there should be less fat in your diet to crap out.

    But yes, they do advertise the (back)side effect, so what's your issue?
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    If people really think this is a great way to lose weight, can I also recommend having your gall bladder removed as a 'diet treatment"? It has basically the same effect but there's no quitting if you change your mind. :laugh:

    right? i was thinking the same thing.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I was on Xenical back when it was prescription, probably in 2000 or 2001 or so. It said in my information that if I was going to have a high-fat meal, stop taking it a day or two ahead of time. So since we were going to go to the movies on Sunday and I wanted popcorn, I didn't take it on Saturday or Sunday.

    Monday I had to leave work because I had an accident in my pants.

    I never took another one of them, and would never take it again, even at a lower dose like it as as alli.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I laughed so much at this post!...then i thought..I wonder if Wynonna Judd *kitten* her pants? How did the tour bus smell? What did her condescending mom say about the poop? LMAO..she is the Alli spokesperson, and honestly I don't think it's working for her...
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I didn't know that about alli, interesting.

    Calcium binds to fat and converts it to soap (literally how soap is made). I wonder if taking a calcium supplement would help curb these effects. Then again, I wonder if just taking the calcium would be a reliable weight loss pill.

    I decided to post a warning to my facebook friends and could help but laugh at my own unintentional pun, "Just thought I'd pass this on."
  • jrbb0309
    jrbb0309 Posts: 55
    I'm going to admit that I tried Alli at one time hoping it would give me the boost I needed to start my weight-loss journey. I knew about the side effects but I thought the very threat of having something like that happen would keep me on the straight and narrow. I monitored my fat intake like you wouldn't believe and I *still* ended up with the side effects. The first time I thought, well maybe I miscalculated. The second time, I tossed out the rest of the prescription.

    There are no shortcuts, plain and simple.
  • mrsblair84
    Oh Sweet Mercy....I am on the floor over here! I have always wondered about drugs with truly evil side effects, like the social anxiety'll be able to go out in public to date and have friends....but you will also have patchy hair loss, halitosis and uncontrollable flatulence. Soooo...what you're saying is, I won't be afraid off social interaction...but NO ONE would want to date me... You'll be thinner, but you won't be able to stay off the john long enough to meet anyone. Sounds like a plan to me!

    Let's try that might work. :laugh: :laugh: The original post was hilarious! My fiance even found it funny when I was reading it...and he never listens to anything I read. This was also quite funny. A guy at a local radio station was trying alli for a week or two to see what it was all about. He said he was constantly in the bathroom. That must be where the extra pound comes **** out half of your large intestine.
  • Boladefuego326
    Boladefuego326 Posts: 143 Member
    yea I used to take it...and the effects were true, whenever you had to pass ended up soiling oil and feces in your pants :/
  • This has not happened to me . The oily poops . You really must be eating really fattening stuff for that to happen. It's not a miracle drug . Do you have to work with it . Go on a diet . Read nutrition labels and drink a lot of water . And oily poop will not happen to you
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    This has not happened to me . The oily poops . You really must be eating really fattening stuff for that to happen. It's not a miracle drug . Do you have to work with it . Go on a diet . Read nutrition labels and drink a lot of water . And oily poop will not happen to you

    Hmmmm, I bet you work for Alli.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    This has not happened to me . The oily poops . You really must be eating really fattening stuff for that to happen. It's not a miracle drug . Do you have to work with it . Go on a diet . Read nutrition labels and drink a lot of water . And oily poop will not happen to you

    Hmmmm, I bet you work for Alli.


    The reviews on the site are hilarious, too. Check this one:

    From the website: "You can use a food journal to recognize what foods can lead to treatment effects."
    I can just picture some corpulent housefrau now: "Dear Diarrhea Diary, Today I burned 200 calories (and a few bridges) scouring a tremendous technicolor shart off of Carol's sofa and coffee table. From now on, no more Sour Cream Spritzers after midnight!"
  • vikktoriagee95
    The "oiling your pants" only happens if you go over 25g or fat in a meal. If anything, it will help retrain your brain. It's not "Bull****". They clearly clearly state that on the website.
  • PoesyP
    PoesyP Posts: 37 Member
    Always intrigues me why people take a fat blocker, then eat a load of fat, then act like the drug has betrayed them when it blocks the fat. If your body's not going to absorb it, where do you think it's going to end up?
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Always intrigues me why people take a fat blocker, then eat a load of fat, then act like the drug has betrayed them when it blocks the fat. If your body's not going to absorb it, where do you think it's going to end up?

    It always confused me why anyone people want to take a pill and instead of just eating the proper amount and exercises. I could give two darns if you only get the oily discharge if you go over, who cares. You are taking a chemical in your body when you can easily lose weight. But let's face it, those things make manufacturers LOTS of money.
  • soosie18
    soosie18 Posts: 1 Member
    Very funny thread. I have to admit to taking alli. I'm not one usually to use such pills but used them in the first few months of a diet 3 years ago when I went onto lose 45 lbs. I took it very sensibly, following a low fat diet. Did it help take extra lbs off? I don't really know. I was also following a 4 times a week exercise plan. I didn't experience any of the unpleasant side effects except for one occasion.

    We went to Greece and I stupidly took them with me. I was fine for the first few days and then experienced the oily thing one day when we were out and about. Fortunately we were near our hotel so I hurried back to change! I stopped taking them during the holiday but restarted when I got back home and all was fine. I should have known better given all the oil the Greeks use in their cooking.

    But overall it works okay for me. I stop taking it when I reach a weight at indicated in the leaflet - it just gives me a kick start as it were. It's obviously not for everyone but to be fair their website/leaflets do tell you what you need to do and what the side effects can be. Unfortunately I put some weight back on so am back on wagon again. :wink:
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    why are you acting like this is new information?
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    To the OP, can you provide the link to the article/blog?

    Well, if it's on :laugh:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
  • tnkitty
    tnkitty Posts: 78 Member
    I tried it for about 2 months. I was super careful with my diet so I wouldn't crap my pants lol. It started to give me a pretty severe rash on my arms and scalp so I had to stop. During the time I took it I only lost a few lbs. Not really worth it imho.
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    This has not happened to me . The oily poops . You really must be eating really fattening stuff for that to happen. It's not a miracle drug . Do you have to work with it . Go on a diet . Read nutrition labels and drink a lot of water . And oily poop will not happen to you


    The reviews on the site are hilarious, too. Check this one:

    From the website: "You can use a food journal to recognize what foods can lead to treatment effects."
    I can just picture some corpulent housefrau now: "Dear Diarrhea Diary, Today I burned 200 calories (and a few bridges) scouring a tremendous technicolor shart off of Carol's sofa and coffee table. From now on, no more Sour Cream Spritzers after midnight!"

    OMG i'm at work and stumbled across this post. I already had tears streaming down my face from laughing at the OP and then i got to this post. too fricken funny!!