Hi everyone! I am a NUMB!

kterickson1988 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I am finally getting serious about losing weight! I want to lose about 45 lbs and hopefully get down to a size 10. I love my curves but I want to tone some of my areas and have less flab lol. I am going to the gym 3-4 with a friend and sticking to my calorie count. I have all ready lost 3.5 lbs and some of my pants are fitting better which makes me happy! I do well in the beginning but old habits die hard and slowly but surely I go back to my old ways. This time is different, this time I mean it, only I can change myself, and this time I really want it!!!


  • jbt5013
    jbt5013 Posts: 2
    I feel you on the old habits. I will stick to something for a week and then decide I need to do something else. I am already down 8lbs and I am hoping that the weight loss is enough to make me forget the old habits.
  • kterickson1988
    kterickson1988 Posts: 9 Member
    I am also hoping the weight lost will help me and keep me motivated.I think seeing results is a big key to weight lost and sticking to new habits lol
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Welcome! I always tell people to remember why they are doing it. Whether it be to fit in your old clothes or for health reasons etc. Youre going to mess up and go over your calories, you may not eat enough etc. Whats important is that this is a lifestyle change. When you fall dont stay down.....its okay. Were all here for the same reason....we need support and encouragement.
    When you feel yourself slacking remember your why you started this and why you decided to finally make a change.
    You can add me if you need a push or kick in the butt.

    Good Luck
  • tiffanyvc
    tiffanyvc Posts: 99
    I also have tried to lose weight many times but failed. So this time, my fiance is helping me in his own special way. I'm horribly stubborn, and my fiance knows it. So he will tell me that he doesn't think I can lose as much weight as I want, which makes me angry, and want to prove him wrong, therefore I will (hopefully) be successful at both. He's my motivator. =)
  • Be patient & forgiving with yourself! Even 3 years into my weight-loss journey, the old habits slip back in if I don't watch it! Hang in there and make use of your support - especially this great tool! Help, accountabily & encouragment are around if you're open to it! Congrats on beginning the journey! I have a feeling you're going to do great!!!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I"m a big fan of small changes over a long time.

    I've heard that people who lose weight more slower are more likely to keep it off.
    I've got this theory that a series of small changes will be easier to stick to than revamping all your food habits at once.

    In times of stress we all revert to the familiar for comfort and If you make a couple of small changes at a time you still have some comfort mixed in with your new habits, and if you keep up a gradual progression your first few small changes will soon enough be comforting habits.

    Good Luck I hope you find what works best for you.
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