My feet hurt so bad when I work out.....ideas

Ok so I noticed that when I first started working out whenever I would go to an arobics class at my local community centre my feet would hurt once we started bouncing around. So I asked the instructor what she thought...she gave me the suggestion to make sure I buy new shoes every 6 months - 1 year depending on how much I work out. So I invested in new pair of shoes. This did not help. I tried different brands asics and new balance. Still no relief. My feet only hurt when doing arobics, if I am using a cardio machine no pain in my feet what so ever. I spoke with my trainer about this a couple years back and she thought maybe it was the floor at the community centre where I would work out. ok....eventually I stopped working out .... however I am back at it again with a brand new pair of shoes (second try) I took back the first new pair cause my feet hurt with no luck. I have been working out in my living room mostly, hard wood floors, and I still get this unbearable pain. It's so unbearable that I actually have to stop in the middle of my work out and try to get the pain to stop. I hate this because I just want to pump out my work out to the max of my ability but I find im holding back for fear of this horrific pain.

I do plan to see a Dr. about this but I just wanted to check in with all of you and see if you have experienced anything similar and what has worked for you. I have never before had problems with my feet hurting when walking or playing, I have never work orthodics or insoles. I do have pretty wide semi flat feet. Thanks for listening :)


  • kimberlyAjohnson
    kimberlyAjohnson Posts: 136 Member
    My feet hurt when I run sometimes, but my ankles over-pronate, and my shoes (Brooks) correct that. Sorry, not much help :/
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    Are they swelling?? Could be retaining water. I know how that feels.
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I wish I had advice for you. My left foot gets this really bad bump on it every now and then, and working out is extremely hard. My doctor never figured out what do to for me. Best of luck to you, and make sure you let us know if you find something out! :)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    That sounds awful! I have some heel pain, but that has gotten better with a new pair of shoes. But if that didn't help you, definitely go see a podiatrist. Maybe you do need some kind of insoles or arch support?

    Good luck, I hope you can figure something out!
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    Ok so I noticed that when I first started working out whenever I would go to an arobics class at my local community centre my feet would hurt once we started bouncing around. So I asked the instructor what she thought...she gave me the suggestion to make sure I buy new shoes every 6 months - 1 year depending on how much I work out. So I invested in new pair of shoes. This did not help. I tried different brands asics and new balance. Still no relief. My feet only hurt when doing arobics, if I am using a cardio machine no pain in my feet what so ever. I spoke with my trainer about this a couple years back and she thought maybe it was the floor at the community centre where I would work out. ok....eventually I stopped working out .... however I am back at it again with a brand new pair of shoes (second try) I took back the first new pair cause my feet hurt with no luck. I have been working out in my living room mostly, hard wood floors, and I still get this unbearable pain. It's so unbearable that I actually have to stop in the middle of my work out and try to get the pain to stop. I hate this because I just want to pump out my work out to the max of my ability but I find im holding back for fear of this horrific pain.

    I do plan to see a Dr. about this but I just wanted to check in with all of you and see if you have experienced anything similar and what has worked for you. I have never before had problems with my feet hurting when walking or playing, I have never work orthodics or insoles. I do have pretty wide semi flat feet. Thanks for listening :)

    Mine hurt when I work out. Feels like every bone in my foot is breaking at once. If I'm at home, I work out barefoot.
  • razberrysweetea
    I had foot pain, and I saw the foot doctor and he gave me arch supports which have made a huge difference
  • KTGoings
    KTGoings Posts: 3
    I have that same problem and it is the type of shoes. Not all tennis shoes are created equal. A friend of mine that teaches aerobic classes suggested I buy a pair of Brooks which are carried at Academy. I plan to buy a pair because my Nike air shocks and New Balance aren't helping. I guess all those years of wearing high heels to work are catching up with me and my arches.
  • gargoyle999
    gargoyle999 Posts: 117 Member
    They are probably not for everyone, but I love my Vibram Fivefingers. I'm on my feet a lot at work and my feet hurt from just standing and walking around during my 12 hour shift wearing tennis shoes so I wish I could wear them on the job. But I wear my Fivefingers when walking the dog, doing yard work or even on the treadmill walking, walking fast and sort of (ha) jogging. I just started the treadmill 2 1/2 weeks ago but have been wearing them every time and my feet feel great! And I'm 5'9' and began at 240lbs so I'm starting to become a strong believer that less is more when it comes to my exercise footwear!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You should go to a good running store or even the foot doc to have your gait and feet analyzed and find out if you need supports for pronation or flat feet etc.

    AND all good brand shoes are not created equal. If you visit the asics website and look for the shoe finder they will tell you how to test your foot and find shoes in their line up that best meet your particular needs......most companies have a shoe fit guide of some sort. It has been found that you don't necessarily want the cheapest shoe in a line or the most expensive.

    The first time I spend $100 on running shoes I felt stupid but let me tell you between finding the right shoes in each brand and getting supports that were worth a damn from my doc my feet issues have been completely taken care of!
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    My husband has similar issues due to being flat-footed. Arches help him a lot.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I would see a foot specialist (DR)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I also deal with heal pain. Go see a foot doctor. For me it is the plantar fasia that acts up at times, ice helps a little but it gets hards to walk. New shoes with good support will help. When I ice the foot I use a frozen water bottle that I roll my foot over. This helps to stretch the muscles in the foot. Good luck with this, I understand how frustrating this problem is.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    go see a doctor to rule out bone spurs and the like........
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Where are they hurting? The heel, ball of your foot or toes? How do you have your foot placed on the floor when you 1st feel the pain? Since you've checked your shoes already I'm wondering if you have a spur. My youngest son had one. It didn't bother him unless he was working out. He could walk around fine but as soon as he starting boxing or running he would feel it. It was on his heel but he felt the pain when he would move on the ball of his foot. Its also possible that you have a fallen arch.

    I would definitely suggest you see your doctor. The longer you wait the more damage you could be doing if it has anything to do with nerves.
  • jhill101671
    My feet used to hurt when I would run and when I would do aerobics. I tried several pair of running shoes and finally found that Brooks are the best for me. Also, I have a separate pair of shoes for aerobics...the Nike dance shoe called the Huarache. I find it to be incredibly comfortable. Good luck!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    You said you got new shoes and they didn't help.... did you just pick out shoes yourself? You said you tried a few different brands, but to really know you are getting the RIGHT shoe for your foot you really need to go to a good running shoe store and be fitted.
    They will watch you walk and run and match you up with the shoe your foot and gait needs.

    I say this from personal experience. I suffered for YEARS with foot pain during exercise. I finally went to get footed a few weeks ago and was astonished to be told that I have a narrow foot (crazy, I would have NEVER guessed that...), that my feet prorate, my arches are really high and I actually needed a full size larger athletic shoe than I had been wearing (a size 12! Yikes!!). I not only was suggested a very sturdy support shoe, but also arch supports.

    The difference is staggering. For the first time ever I do not have foot pain. I am working out much more often and for longer periods of time because it is finally pain-free! It's one of the best things I've done for myself on this weight loss journey.
  • andipepper
    I run barefoot on my small trampoline at home. Feels great and very little impact on feet, knees or hips. Good luck with your feet!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Is the pain in the bottom of your heal/back of foot? I had this a few years ago. It would only hurt when I did step aerobics and they also hurt when I woke up in the morning. Turned out I had plantar fasciitis. It lasted for about a year. But it did gradually get better. I did have to get orthotic insoles. I wore these every day for about 6 months and I still wear them in my runner when I work out. I believe plantar fasciitis is when you develop tiny microtears of the plantar fascia. I found stretching my heals on the edge of the stair each day helped as well as rolling a frozen water bottle under my foot, to massage it. Massage from my hubby also helped, even though it hurt like the ****ens. Not sure if this is what you have but if your symptoms are similar, you may want to bring this up with your doctor. Good luck to you!
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    I would probably start by going to see a podiatrist.
    He/She can tell you if they see something you might not (flat foot, collapsed arch, etc).
    I would stop doing intense aerobics until you find out.
    You've done the right thing trying different types of shoes.
    Aerobics and a hard floor is not good if your feet hurt and/or burn.
    If you are going to continue this you may need to invest in one or two floor mats to do your aerobics on.
    Sounds like your feet need extra padding at this time.
    Otherwise you can do simple exercises to firm up from the top finess guru ever known. His name is Jack LaLanne & his free exercise site is:
    These are old exercise videos but have helped many people to this day. Click on the TV and it will have a 6 week exercise plan.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I had the same problem- my aches slowly are falling and my feet have flattened. Walking a lot bothers me too, but working out was unbearable. It's because the metatarsal area ( ball of your foot) isn't absorbing the shock as well as it should. You can't skimp on shoes, but even if they're the best quality, you will find relief with custom fitted orthotics- formed to the shape of each foot.
    Your PCP might be able to prescribe them or refer you to a foot doctor.
    In the meantime, check WalMart or a local drug store and look for silicone/gel type metatarsal pads. You may have to remove the insoles from the shoes- if they come out.
    I hope you find relief. :)