trying not to get discouraged



  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I wouldn't jump into not eating exercise calories. I've eaten almost every single one I've earned and I've lost 46 pounds that way. I would suggest going through your settings and making sure you set up your account appropriately (sedentary, lightly active, etc). If that's not the problem, like a previous poster said, try cutting out any of the "junk" food. I shouldn't talk though, because I eat chocolate almost on a daily basis! But little changes like that might help jump start things for you. Don't give up though; just keep tweaking and find the combination of factors that works for you. Good luck!
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    Keep with it - don't let the scale's numbers discourage you. Taking measurements is a great way to also guage your success. I won't lie that seeing the numbers go down on the scale is motivating; but when I actually measured myself this past week and realized that I had lost 4 inches around my hips it all hit home. Seeing the numbers on the measuring tape was much more rewarding than seeing the numbers on the scale.

    Because you offered your diaries for viewing, I did take a look just to see what you are doing. I noticed that often you have listed cleaning as one of your workouts for the day. I am curious if you clean for a living? This is a true and honest question :). If cleaning is something you did before beginning your weight loss journey, perhaps you aren't seeing as big of results becuase your body is already accounting for and reacting to that activity as normal. If this is the case, you might need to add more excercise or maybe a different type of exercise just to switch things up and challenge your body more. I am no expert on this by all means, but it might be something to think about.
  • JustGila
    JustGila Posts: 23 Member
    I work for a catering company where my shift is essentially busy work that includes heavy lifting, carrying glasses, and staying on my feet. I only work those shifts about once a week-they only call me when they need me.

    I began the INSANITY workout about two weeks ago so I have jump started my workouts enormously. I burn almost 600 calories per workout.

    But you raise a good point-I dont have a car and walk everywhere so adding walking might be redundant if my body is used to all this walking.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If your exercise routing is new, you are also adding muscle. How are your clothes fitting? They might be looser without the scale going down just yet as you rebuild your body!
  • JustGila
    JustGila Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you guys so much! I appreciate all the incredible insight and for those of you that took the time to look at my diary i am so grateful.
    I still havent weighed myself today but I am going to stay positive no matter what the scale says.f

    Thanks again everyone
