40lbs lost but joining up.

Hi, I thought I would introduce myself. Four years ago I weighed 167 pounds. I managed to get down to 143lbs for my wedding in early 2008, and then got pregnant early 2009 and got back up to 167 pounds. My son was born at the end of 2009 and now I am down to 127lbs, which feels great! However, the last 6lbs I want to lose seem to be sticking around so I thought I would give this site a try and see how I go. I know it is not a lot of weight to lose but I am very motivated and want to set a good example for my son.


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    YAY how awesome! Welcome to the site, you'll love it. I also had a baby, well actually twins at the end of 2009, and I was about that same weight when I got pregnant with them... bout 6 months after that I got down to 143, like you... and then sadly I gained 20 back :( I'm having a hard time losing the rest of the 20 I gained back and then on to less weight.

    Awesome job on losing that much weight, and I know you'll make your goal! You should add me :) we can keep eachother motivated to keep going!
  • chile_chicken
    chile_chicken Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks. Yeah it was hard gaining the weight back but at least it was because I was pregnant, and I wanted my baby to be healthy and fueled up on the right types of food.

    Twins, wow! I am a twin and I take my hat off to you, looking after two at once must keep you active.