Toes fall asleep while running?



  • Beegale
    Beegale Posts: 21
    OMG thank you for this post! I thought it was just me!! I tend to just put up with it and/or try and wiggle my toes as I run......which can be a bit tricky :O)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It could be a couple of different things:

    -Ill-fitting shoes

    -Shoes tied to tightly, so your feet don't have room to swell as you warm up

    -Bad form-your feet should be flat on the elliptical. You shouldn't be up on your toes.

    -Potassium deficiency.
  • ktaylorj
    ktaylorj Posts: 6
    Try running shoes — they have a wider toe box
    Could be you are more of a toe lead walker vs heel-to-toe (kind of a roll)... so the front part of your foot is tensing up and getting tired, then numb. Try to focus on landing heel, rolling to toe... eventually you'll train your brain... or feet... ?? :)
  • pinksneakers
    pinksneakers Posts: 23 Member
    As for the elliptical: I'm an elliptical fanatic and have found that different styles & brands of machines position your feet slightly different, so you may feel better on one machine vs. another. I agree that running shoes are usually more comfortable.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    It means you're dehydrated!!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Also if this happens to you on an elliptical, make sure you keep your heel down and don't lift it. Saw that on previous posts....
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    Mine has done that for years and i found out what it was/is! I have Morton's Neuroma - a swelling in the nerves in your feet. I have to have surgery because i have let it go for so long that i have a large knot in the nerve which makes it painful to do most exercise. I still workout but suffer daily and also had to stop wearing my fun shoes and wear more practical ones until after the surgery. And nothing helps either! Check it out and good luck, see a podiatrist. :ohwell:
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