How do you resist when your DH eats junk!!

My DH is very small and in fact trying to "gain weight" he has a really fast metabolism and burns off whatever he eats. He bought me a salad the other day and him and my kids a large cheese pizza which is a treat for my kids.. they rarely have pizza... i was seriously so tempted smelling it right in front of me all i would have to do is take a piece.... but i didn't! I did open the box and sniffed it though i know probably torturing myself since i knew i couldn't have it.

But how do you deal with these situations when people eat this food in front of you?? I've been doing so good but have had some cravings here and there.. one of them is the Reeces peanut butter egg sitting in the drawer right near my bed!! But i haven't touched one since starting my lifestyle change yet. On the other hand i have been finding some healthy food i really like that i never thought i would... i love the triscuit whole wheat roasted garlic crackers, i love the 5 grain cheerios, i like skim milk, i actually like the seasonings like mrs dash that i put on my chicken last night, i don't mind the corn without the added salt, butter isn't a must for me anymore.

Also let's talk Easter.. everyone knows that Easter is full of candy, and well junk food. My mom may be coming over and wants a glazed honey ham.. we are talking SERIOUS fat & cholesterol... plus add in the mashed potatoes, butter, milk, cake, etc and my mom makes an additional glaze loaded with brown sugar. I love honey ham.. that and pasta seem to be my weaknesses i can eat and eat and eat... what do i do?? Should i try to take like 1 piece or avoid it all together for fear of overeating?


  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    It really depends on what you can handle. I do not like to cut anything out of my diet because I will not stick with it. I have little snickers in my fridge for when I get a craving, and I do have pizza every now and again, cause I love it. My motto is everything in moderation. Family affairs, or large dinners, are difficult, but maybe you could let yourself have some ham, but then stick with veggies or healthy sides opposed to the potatoes and cake.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I dont' expect my fiance not to indulge just becasue I'm trying to eat healthy BUT what I do ask of him is to have things that he loves but I don't! For example, chips are ok but I can certinly do without them so he's free to bring those into the house but chocolate and fresh bread are a weakness so he'll get killed if he brings them home :tongue:

    If he REALLY feels he needs those things he's at work 12 hours a day and I'm not around, he can have it then!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member

    Sorry. Dear Husband lol
  • lnosgood
    lnosgood Posts: 92
    I still eat pizza as well. Just get the thin crust pizza it's better for your diet. Only have 1-2 slices and make sure to log it. Plus if you go over your calories a bit go for a jog or walk around the block and burn off some of those extra calories. Look at my log I eat pizza hut pizza at least 2x a month. Just make sure you have the extra calories for it. =) No need to deprive yourself of anything just make sure you have the extra calories to be able to have it.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I see it this way... I want this to be a lifestyle change. I don't want to completely cut off my favorite foods. If I know I'm going to have something not so healthy for dinner or lunch, I make sure to put in a really good workout (at least an hour) and burn enough calories. I work the calories for the specific items into my diary to fit. I've binged in the past because I couldn't have certain things. I too, have looked for healthier alternatives but sometimes I just need that grease or candy. I drink LOTS of water every day and watch my sodium. Yesterday, I had 2 slices of pizza but before I had that, I burnt off 500 calories and my sodium count was really good, so it worked out perfectly =)
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    my husband will sit in bed with a HUGE bag of potato chips almost every night....and while he is thin, he is getting a beer simply becomes a mind of matter thing for me....I make me a cup of herbal tea....or hot apple cider or drink a glass of water and move on....

    There are always going to be temptations....and you dont have to cut these things 100% out of your life.... When I think about eating chips with my husband, I think that its a lil over 10 weeks til July 4th and I dont want to get harpooned at the beach..... that's enough Motivation for me
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    when mine has something that i want, i usually will have a bite or two of whatever he is eating and that usually satisfy's the craving. but i try not to completely deny all my cravings, i've noticed that if i am REALLY craving it and i don't eat it, i tend to over eat other things trying to make up for it. so i allow myself a little treat and move on!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I haven't stopped eating anything, just be sense able. I am sure people would say I would lose faster if I cut out certain foods completely but I think I am on a good roll. If I didn't give in and "treat" myself every so often I wouldn't be able to turn away from those foods. My kids have candy, ice cream, etc. and my husband only drinks soda, for the most part I don't care what they eat I have my own healthy snacks but if I do give in, it is proportioned, I don't eat any where near the amounts I used to!
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    haha you read my mind about the DH!!

    moderation is key!! if you continue to cut everything out so strictly, one day you're going to go overboard. BUT, if you're affraid of over eating, then stay away. you're likely not ready to indulge in moderation. until you are able to wrap your brain around "i don't need to eat a whole plate of... (enter food)..." then continue on the path you're going and keep your chin up. soon enough you'll realize that you're completely satisfied with 1 slice of ham as opposed to 4. good luck!!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    So I would say, why would it hurt to "occasionally" have a treat. Now, my definition of "occassionally" would be once a week. But that's my definition. You can't spend the rest of your life NOT HAVING a treat once in a while. All you have to do is adjust your calories accordingly and stick to your nutrition plan the rest of the week.

    I am prepping for a body building competition at the moment. I cannot have treats at all... (if I could, I would have oatmeal with PB, cocoa and kashi mixed together!)... My hubby eats what he wants when he wants. I've learned to deal with this by asking how it tastes. Then I take a moment to think of how that food would make me feel... How I would feel by not staying on track. That's what helps me not mind the pizzas, and any other junk food. I also see the effects of this food on people. They feel sluggish and ready for a nap while I feel energized, happy and healthy!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I agree! YOu have to let yourself have special things once in a while or you will over indulge later. Reeces eggs are my favorite candy. My daughter in law gave me one in my birthday gifts Sunday. Wow was it good. But I only ate the one so I was proud. I always say there is one day a week where I treat myself to anything I want. I find that everyday I say I can have that "something" I am craving on my special day. When that day comes, I certainly don't want all of the things I promised myself. So instead of eating something bad for me every day, I usually eat one thing bad on one day. It works for me anyway. My family eats pizza too, so I have a weight watchers or Lean cuisine pizza when they are eating theirs. I don't feel deprived that way. I agree with nmoreland that moderation is the key. I weigh everything during special meals. I get to eat what I want but just not what in the amounts I used to. Stick to it. We are here for you.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Dear Husband.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    My wife usually is the one who sits and watches me eat junk. She has amazing will power. What I hate is when she "thoughtfully" brings back chocolates from switzerland .... just could not say no. I find I cannot say no without being nasty and she is the only one I just cannot bring myself to being like that to. Other people I am happy to abuse for "trying to make me fat" or "wanting me dead" ;) .
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100

    Sorry. Dear Husband lol

    Now we both know that "D" doesn't stand for "dear." Especially if he is tempting you with pizza. :laugh:

    At any rate, don't torture your self.

    Prepare for it instead. If you know Pizza is coming, shift some calories around and make room for a slice or two.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I make a lot of the foods that my partner wants to eat. I make homemade pizza, with crust made from scratch. That way I know exactly what's in it. It's a lot healthier than a take away pizza, but everyone still feels like they're having an indulgence.

    I used to be tempted by his junk food stash, but honestly I work so hard to lose the weight that junk food isn't something I want to put in my body any more. I keep some dark chocolate on hand and if I want a treat I'll have a square of that because that's what I love to indulge in.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I have found that as I get stronger in my lifestyle change, I don't want what everyone else is indulging in! Take for instance my family's dining experience last Friday night. We went out to Old Country Buffet. My family came out feeling stuffed, bloated, and miserable. I came out feeling full, satisfied, and full of energy. The kids and the hubby all over did it--and I simply stopped when I started to feel full!

    Another example is with my husbands sweets...he loves his candy! He is also very thin and has an extremly high metabolism! GRR!! :) However, as I see my progress and I feel better about myself, I don't have to fight the urges to indulge in his sweet-drawer. I simply don't crave all that junk anymore! Whoo Hoo!!!

    Or even a better example...the kids all had ice cream sundae's last night for snack. Instead of joining them and consuming all that sugar and fat, I ate a healthy treat. I cut up some strawberries and bananas, topped it off with some low-fat redi whip and enjoyed!!! (Only 250 calories!!!)

    It works if we think about this "diet" being a "lifestyle change" not just a "diet".
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    If I want pizza I eat pizza, if I want some chocolate I eat some chocolate. Everything in moderation but be prepared to work it off. Take a walk after you eat or exercise enough earlier in the day that you can afford it. If you constantly deny yourself the things you love you won't stick with it and eating well through out your life is the goal not the 6+ months to reach a goal.

  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    just eat it in moderation rather than torture urself, as for the ham at easter i would eat it as it is a proper meal, just be careful with the easter eggs lol:smile:
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I live on my own with my dog, so that's fine for me :wink: But one of my best friends is overweight (a good stone or 2 overweight) but thinks she's slim, and the other IS slim but his mother (who I'm friends with - he's my ex boyfriend & I've known them both for years) who has been on a diet for the whole time I've known her, attends the gym, yet hasn't lost much weight because she still eats cakes and unhealthy crap. She also has a habit of buying me things when she does her food shopping, even though I have asked her SO many times to not buy me ANYTHING. If she is going to a shop and I want anything from there, I will ask her and give her the money for it. Even though some times I've given her the stuff back, she wont stop. Really reeeeeaaaallllyyyy infuriating when someone refuses to listen!

    We went to the supermarket together the other day and it was 'do you want this? I'll get you this for you to eat it round ours tonight' 'I don't want it' 'you don't want it? I'll get it you for tea tonight' 'nah, I don't want it' 'you sure? why? why don't you want it? you can have it with garlic bread' :explode: It was a microwave tomato pasta and cheese. It was around 500 cals... if I'd have gave in and had it with garlic bread, it would have ended up around 1000 cals. For one meal. Then later on she was in the cake aisle saying she 'fancied something sweet'. I said 'I don't want anything'... yet a couple of minutes later she was picking up things asking if I liked them, and when I said I didn't want anything, she was asking why. I said I'm trying to lose weight, and she said 'yeah, but it's only one'.
