How To Prepare Breakfast for the Week in 5 Minutes

binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
edited September 26 in Recipes
Save time in the mornings and still have a nutritious breakfast by cooking steel-cut oats overnight just once a week in mason jars. It takes all of 5 minutes.

Oatmeal is one of the best breakfasts you can eat, but preparing it from scratch can take up to 45 minutes — time most of us don't have on weekdays. The Kitchn offers a great solution to having no time to cook breakfast in the morning:

Basically you combine oats and water, bring them to a boil, then cover and turn off the heat. Leave overnight and in the morning simply warm them up. They'll be perfectly cooked - tender, chewy, and creamy. [...] Do this just once on Sunday night, and divide the oatmeal between five jars. You're immediately set up for a week of breakfasts!

Hit up the link below for the recipe and tips, like having mix-ins for your oatmeal ready to go as well. Photo by The Kitchn


  • cheryltroxel
    cheryltroxel Posts: 7 Member
    This is even better with steel cut oats soaked in cinnamon water overnight. Throw some fresh fruit and a touch of raw brown sugar and it's delish!
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    LOVE my steel cut oats...I put in an apple cut up in small pieces and cinnamon with a tbs of almonds.....sometimes I add a tbs of peanut butter.....YUM and a well rounded very filling breakfast! :heart:
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    thanks binary XD
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'm not a fan of they way they turn out when you just leave them overnight. I stir them occasionally while they are sitting to keep them smoother. I am a huge fan of cooking them for the week though. It's so much easier. I like to throw some frozen fruit on top before I microwave it.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    This is SO awesome. Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Yup i cook em the night before for a minute, then stick the pot in the fridge, covered and cook it for about 10 minutes in the morning. I add (sometimes) almonds, fruit and skim milk. If I'm feeling really decadent almond butter or peanut butter is amazing. Yum!

    Funny thing is my dad used to do this when I was a kid, (my dad always has some whole grain cereal bubbling in a pot or slow cooker, steel cut oatmeal, danny's porridge, millet, etc.) every single morning. Rather than be thankful for such a healthy breakfast I felt that it was some sort of child abuse .
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I tossed mine in the crockpot last night with some vanilla, cinnamon, dried cherries and agave nectar. They're perfect and they'll last me all week! Great minds and all that...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Honestly I have never tried Steel oats. I was afraid I would get flashbacks from trying to choke down grapenuts.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    They are nothing like Grape Nuts, I promise! God, I remember my dad would eat Grape Nuts like they were going out of style, so I totally get what you're saying. :laugh:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    They are nothing like Grape Nuts, I promise! God, I remember my dad would eat Grape Nuts like they were going out of style, so I totally get what you're saying. :laugh:

    She is right, RJ. They are completely different. Taste, texture, everythink.

    Though I do like Grape Nuts with molasses and strawberries.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Never had it either but sounds good!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I love steel cut much better than regular oatmeal.
  • fullofhope
    fullofhope Posts: 78 Member
    Steel cut oats are the bomb! I like to cook up a saucepan on Sunday nights and then measure out into large muffin tins. Put the whole thing in the freezer, and then when frozen, pop out and put in a zip lock baggie. Pull one out the night before and place in fridge, nuke in morning, add fruit and presto. Breakfast cooks while you are getting dressed. Experiment with nuke times though, since all micros are different.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
  • I love steel cut oats too.... w/ blueberries, walnuts, cinnamon, and butter.
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