Problem area xxx

How can I loose around the shoulder/boob area? I have always just lost around my stomach/hips - never the upper body and it sucks! Im massive up top (frame wise) and tiny (frame wise) down the bottom - I have fat all over but in comparison I still look small at the hips and HUGE up top? xxx


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce or target burn. All you can do is just keep burning off that fat until your body finally starts to dig into the problem areas. We all have areas where our body likes to store fat. You might have to blame it on your ancestry.

    My belly has been the last to feel the effects for me. I don't know if it is just finally doing it or if it has been the weight lifting I've been doing for the last month.

    Just keep chugging along and eventually it will start to come off.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    It is definatly in my jeans!

    My brother and dad have massive shoulders - Looks good on them being guys but me - not so much lol!!

    Also my mum has no hips/bum - so thats where that somes from lol! It so funny it like I am just thoos too morphed together lol x
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I know people may not like this answer, but I used lipodissolve for my little love handles. They weren't big, they just bothered me....I went in twice, they injected me, and the stuff broke down the fat cell walls, and then my body flushed the fat out. I can tell a difference. It didn't cost that much either.

    Just a thought. I know that isn't a weight loss cure, but it can help with those little problem areas that working out can't fix.

    Good luck!
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    You're just going to have to do cardio and hope for the best. RUN RUN RUN.