I need some help ... quick!

alicia826 Posts: 51
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I've been eating healthy and working out now for a little over a month and a half... but I'm really starting to lose motivation. I can't tell a difference in myself and it's really starting to get to me! I have been eating right (a slip up here and there, but no biggie) and going to my moms to work out with her every mon,tues, and thurs.Then on the days I dont go there, I walk (either with my dog or by myself.) But for some reason I've only lost a total of 9lbs... and then gained 2lbs back! Its seems like I'm stuck at this 7lb mark now! It's getting very frustrating! I know that it's not all about the scale, but I can't tell a difference in any part of my body. I'm starting to lose my motivation and feel like I should probably just say screw it, but I really want to lose this weight! I'm unhealthy and I don't want to be this way... and I see all of these success stories on MFP and I want to eventually post one. But I just don't know if I can!

I'm trying to cut about 60 lbs, but that goal is starting to seem a lot further than what I thought when I first started! I know that I'm not going to wake up and magically be slim again, but I would like to see SOME progress!

Anyone have any ideas/help for me would be greatly appreciated! And I'm sorry for rambling on here! I just don't know what to do!


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I've been eating healthy and working out now for a little over a month and a half... but I'm really starting to lose motivation. I can't tell a difference in myself and it's really starting to get to me! I have been eating right (a slip up here and there, but no biggie) and going to my moms to work out with her every mon,tues, and thurs.Then on the days I dont go there, I walk (either with my dog or by myself.) But for some reason I've only lost a total of 9lbs... and then gained 2lbs back! Its seems like I'm stuck at this 7lb mark now! It's getting very frustrating! I know that it's not all about the scale, but I can't tell a difference in any part of my body. I'm starting to lose my motivation and feel like I should probably just say screw it, but I really want to lose this weight! I'm unhealthy and I don't want to be this way... and I see all of these success stories on MFP and I want to eventually post one. But I just don't know if I can!

    I'm trying to cut about 60 lbs, but that goal is starting to seem a lot further than what I thought when I first started! I know that I'm not going to wake up and magically be slim again, but I would like to see SOME progress!

    Anyone have any ideas/help for me would be greatly appreciated! And I'm sorry for rambling on here! I just don't know what to do!

    A) 9 pounds in a month is totally normal.

    B) It's tough to help you, when we can't see what you are eating.

    C) When you say slip ups, how many and by how much?

    D) What work outs are you doing?
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    People always say 'you didn't put the weight on overnight, so you won't lose it overnight either'.. You've done well to lose half a stone, just stick with it, as frustrating as it can be!!! Maybe set yourself lots of mini goals so that 60lb doesn't seem like such a big figure? Good luck! :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Sometimes as you build muscle, you will not see the numbers on the scale moving down quickly. But muscle burns more calories than fat and eventually the numbers will move again. Try not to weigh yourself every day. Even a bit of water retention can add a couple of pounds on the scale. You can do it!
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    9 lbs in that amount of time is great. Its not going to come off over night. Let us see your diary and maybe we can give you some suggestions. Are you drinking enough water??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I've been eating healthy and working out now for a little over a month and a half... but I'm really starting to lose motivation. I can't tell a difference in myself and it's really starting to get to me! I have been eating right (a slip up here and there, but no biggie) and going to my moms to work out with her every mon,tues, and thurs.Then on the days I dont go there, I walk (either with my dog or by myself.) But for some reason I've only lost a total of 9lbs... and then gained 2lbs back! Its seems like I'm stuck at this 7lb mark now! It's getting very frustrating! I know that it's not all about the scale, but I can't tell a difference in any part of my body. I'm starting to lose my motivation and feel like I should probably just say screw it, but I really want to lose this weight! I'm unhealthy and I don't want to be this way... and I see all of these success stories on MFP and I want to eventually post one. But I just don't know if I can!

    I'm trying to cut about 60 lbs, but that goal is starting to seem a lot further than what I thought when I first started! I know that I'm not going to wake up and magically be slim again, but I would like to see SOME progress!

    Anyone have any ideas/help for me would be greatly appreciated! And I'm sorry for rambling on here! I just don't know what to do!

    MFP recommends losing 1 lb/week and you are slightly ahead of that, so keep doing what you are doing and it should continue.
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    Sometimes it can take a while to see it in yourself too. Im only just no9ticing the differences and ive lost 55lbs!

    Try taking your measurements too as that helps. Although i couldnt see myself get smaller i could tell the inches that i lost.

    And 7lbs in a month is about right hun. Dont give up and keep trying to be a better you :D
  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    First of all...take a DEEP BREATH....and put a smile on your face!!! The fact that you are ON this site, and willing to share your story and get advice, shows that deep down, you KNOW what the right thing to do is!!

    I TOTALLY know how it feels to get down, and lose motivation...but remember ALL of the reasons you want to lose weight.....to be healthy!? to fit into a smaller size clothing?!? to feel better about yourself?!?

    Nothing will happen over night, and things may take time....but instead of looking at all of the pounds you want to lose, just look at TODAY...this one day that you have before you...and think of how you can do your BEST with this day. Make healthy eating choices, get some exercise in, and make TODAY a great day!!!

    You are worth it...don't give up on yourself!!! :)
  • docdevore
    docdevore Posts: 39 Member
    You seem to be on a normal track of weight loss. Have you been taking your measurements? When I hit those plateaus, looking at measurements of chest, waist, hips, neck and more really help keep me motivated because even when I am not losing weight, my exercise routine is in fact making real changes to my body.
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi! You may need to pump up your exercise routine. Make sure you are doing some good cardio exercises to get your heart rate up. When you walk the dog quicken your pace. Drive a 2-3 mile course and walk it briskly. Don't give up!! Being healthy...and it will take time and it is a neverending adventure...is the only way to be for a happy future!!!
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    Are you doing strength training? You need to build the muscle to lose more weight ;) Also, maybe you do not see a difference... start doing measurements. I have not lost weight this past week but I lost 1 1/2" in my hips and waist, 2" in my chest (under bust), 1" in my bust and thigh, and 1/2" in my calf.. I see it somewhat, but the numbers are everything and I feel stronger. I would start measuring and add some strength training and keep up the water intake!

    Edited to say! Losing any more than 2 lbs per week is very unhealthy and most of the time is regained.... so take your time and look at each day just like she said above :) You are doing perfect really!
  • Alicia,

    Don't give up!!
    Ask yourself some questions and see what answers you get:

    1. Am I eating enough?
    If you aren't your body will go into preservation mode, and you will actually gain weight
    2. Are you drinking plenty of water?
    This helps flush your system
    3. Are you eating enough fiber?
    We all know what fiber does :)
    4. Are your workouts buring enough calories/fat?
    heart rate monitor is good for exercise

    I hit a plateau for a while then I got down to business BUT I did it. It will take time though so we have to be a little patience with it.
  • alliewin
    alliewin Posts: 4
    I know how you feel. I've been on MFP for 14 weeks and have a similar weight loss goal as yourself. It wasn't until about week 10 that I could really "see" a difference. Even with walking being my only exercise, I could see AB MUSCLE! And my clothes started fitting better and I went down a size. I've hit the lack of motivation feeling this week though. I have some terrible bouts with fatigue at times and it just makes me want to give up. But when I push through those feelings and do what I know I need to do, I'm SO proud of myself. I like the persons suggestion of mini-goals. I'm breaking mine up into 20 lb goals. I hit my first one a few weeks ago and treated myself to a pedicure and a new shirt. Keep your eye on the prize - you can do this!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    if you have been doing the same work outs for the last month and a half you may need to switch it up. Speed up your walks or start to jog. Go for longer walks. Not sure as to just what work outs you are doing at your Mom's but you might try switching that up also. You sound like you have hit a small plateau and just need to get over the hump. Make sure you are drinking lots of water and you might want to change up you menue some too. Try some spicy stuff if you can handle it. Just do any thing that will get your body out of monotone mode.
  • alicia826
    alicia826 Posts: 51
    I made my diary public... if anyone does want to check it out.. lol looking at it more doesn't make me too proud :( but oh well i am trying to break my old habits of eating EVERYTHING in sight, whenever I wanted!

    I did take my measurements, but my mom and I lost our original paper than we wrote our starter measurements on... So I just added last nights measurements on here. Worst part about it is that I don't know if I lost any inches :(
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I made my diary public... if anyone does want to check it out.. lol looking at it more doesn't make me too proud :( but oh well i am trying to break my old habits of eating EVERYTHING in sight, whenever I wanted!

    I did take my measurements, but my mom and I lost our original paper than we wrote our starter measurements on... So I just added last nights measurements on here. Worst part about it is that I don't know if I lost any inches :(

    I bet you did lose inches and you are doing fine, keep up the good work!
  • alicia826
    alicia826 Posts: 51
    I've been doing a mixture of strength and cardio both. I can feel my muscles being sore, and my legs hurting after a walk... but I'm just starting to think about all of this stuff on my body is hurting, but i dont see anything.... maybe I'm expecting too much in to little of time...
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I've been doing a mixture of strength and cardio both. I can feel my muscles being sore, and my legs hurting after a walk... but I'm just starting to think about all of this stuff on my body is hurting, but i dont see anything.... maybe I'm expecting too much in to little of time...

    Well keep your head up! I notice in your diary that you didn't exercise (or didn't record it) for almost a week. I would try to do 3 times a week for sure ;) even if for 1/2 hour.. It helps faster loss even if you are staying under the 1200 on those days... exercising always helps and gives you those feel goods (endorphin rush) That is what keeps motivation, that feeling :) You are doing great, just keep it up and don't give up! That is what you are here for :)
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I'm trying to cut about 60 lbs, but that goal is starting to seem a lot further than what I thought when I first started! I know that I'm not going to wake up and magically be slim again, but I would like to see SOME progress!

    Anyone have any ideas/help for me would be greatly appreciated! And I'm sorry for rambling on here! I just don't know what to do!

    Maybe shoot for small goals while getting to the 60 -which i KNOW seems SO far away. That's what I did... first wanted to hit the 10LB mark (DONE!) then 15LB (DONE!) and so on.... its really helpful so you dont lose sight and motivation!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Your situation simply calls for patience. You've done well to lose 9lbs in that amount of time. It took me awhile before I could see a difference(still don't see much), but I know that the weight is coming off. Just make sure that you're netting a MINIMUM of 1200 cals, and just have your mind made up to never quit. You can do it and we're all behind you. I found that the person doing the losing is usually the last one to actually see it so don't worry about it. Just keep up the good work and eventually you'll see if for yourself. For now just keep concentrating on how much better you feel after a good workout, and how much stronger and healthier you are becoming. These are the things that kept me motivated(along with great ppl on MFP) during the time that I couldn't see a real difference in my body. It will happen. Good luck!!!!:flowerforyou:
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