So proud of myself!

Yesterday a friend of mine invited me to dinner. I thought to myself "really? the first night of my work in progress weight loss" We always go to this Mexican place in town. I normally order this huge plate of beans and rice with soft tacos ect. with a LARGE sweet tea. Not last night, I had a GRILLED chicken salad and a diet coke! I love grilled chicken salads but was weary about trying theres because I'm picky about my grilled chicken But it was delicious and I know I can do this! Thank you to everyone for all the support and motivation ya'll given me so far. I know with the support of everyone on this site that I CAN DO THIS!


  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    You can definitely do it! It can be tough when you go out to eat, but just try to make the best choices while still enjoying yourself.