calorie help...

ok, everyone is sooo helpful here and im starting to get a little confused and frustrated. i need some help and advice.

quick recap of my weightloss journey: in August 2007 my doctor made me promise to lose 5lbs before getting my tubes tied. did it by sept 20th i went from 182lb to 175lb without really trying

october 2007 moved to South Carolina by feb 2008 i went down to 150lb by walking and dieting at like 1400-1600 cal a day

april 08 i was at 145lb

aug 08 im at 143lb i only exersice 3 times a week now i still need to lose 7lbs to be in the healthy range and would like to lose 20 more total to be at 123lb

what calorie range do you think i should be in? im at 1290 now and it doesnt seem to be doing anything

i know it gets harder as you go along so any advice will be greatly appriciated


  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    ok, everyone is sooo helpful here and im starting to get a little confused and frustrated. i need some help and advice.

    quick recap of my weightloss journey: in August 2007 my doctor made me promise to lose 5lbs before getting my tubes tied. did it by sept 20th i went from 182lb to 175lb without really trying

    october 2007 moved to South Carolina by feb 2008 i went down to 150lb by walking and dieting at like 1400-1600 cal a day

    april 08 i was at 145lb

    aug 08 im at 143lb i only exersice 3 times a week now i still need to lose 7lbs to be in the healthy range and would like to lose 20 more total to be at 123lb

    what calorie range do you think i should be in? im at 1290 now and it doesnt seem to be doing anything

    i know it gets harder as you go along so any advice will be greatly appriciated
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I dont really know but i just want u to know that i am going through the same thing! i am at about 1350 per day and am not losing ANYTHING! plateus really really suck but i mean i think 1290 is fine are u exercising?
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    What do I think? the people that I train I tell them to workout 5 days week if they are trying to lose 20 pounds. are you weight training?
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i work out 3 times a week on the treadmill 45-60min and 3 times 20 minutes weights and exercise ball