The biggest waste of food is carrying it on your waist.

samantharae121205 Posts: 185
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
"Oh, I can't let this good food go to *waste*!" You have heard the lament. We have all said it. We have all thought it. The idea that if we do not eat all of the food offered us, we are somehow wasting it, is an idea that contributes to the culture of obesity in this culture.

A woman wrote to Marilyn Vos Savant, columnist for Parade Magazine, well-known for her high IQ which has earned her a place in Guinness Book of World Records. Her question was, "Which is the bigger sin -- gluttony or waste? I feel guilty eating so much, but I feel guilty throwing it away." Marilyn's answer rang a bell with me, because this is something that I have long believed, and have actually felt quite alone in believing. She said that she believes "the greater wrong is gluttony, because it is actually two wrongs combined: gluttony and waste." (Parade, 7/18/99)

When you think that it is a waste of food to not eat it, consider this: Wouldn't you toss into the landfill twenty pounds of perfectly good groceries if, by doing so, you would be ten pounds lighter?

jne Wouldn't you toss into the landfill twenty pounds of perfectly good groceries if, by doing so, you would be ten pounds lighter?

When you eat something, if it is something that you are not simply craving, even if it is just one more bite than you want, that, my friend, is waste. Begin to think like this. Begin to rid yourself of the childhood myth that somehow you can help starving children in China by eating food that you do not want or need.

Wouldn't you toss into the landfill twenty pounds of perfectly good groceries if, by doing so, you would be ten pounds lighter?


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Amen!!!!! Its so hard to switch your thinking to this, it takes time and practice, but we will be better off for it if we do!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    thanks for sharing...throwing food away is something I have struggled with...getting easier, but still my first reaction is to eat something my hubby or daughter does not want anymore instead of throwing it in the trash
  • skillen
    skillen Posts: 8
    I agree...My mother used to tell me that I had to eat the food she prepaired ( what I didn't like) that kids in africa who are starving we see them on TV would love to have the food...she used to get really mad cause my responce was always so send it to them. I'll even pay with my allowance. I wasn't gonna eat it Anyway I know that if I put it on my plate I was expected to eat it anywhere we went it was rude if we didn't and wasteful. I was usually careful but, there were times I ate what I took even if I was full. I have never taught my children this....except in the case of vegetable and that's only because I put 2 tbs. on there plate and since they just don't like eating them (like mom) we force ourselves to eat those 2 tbs. I only make the 2 we actually like anyway (corn and green beans). Oh sorry I
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