Just fully committed to diet. My weight is destroying my mar

I'm new to MFP. I have gradually gained weight since I got married. About 80 pounds over eight years. I now weigh 230 pounds. Even when I was not overweight, my husband would threaten to leave me if I ever got fat. Now it's gotten to a point that he just flat out resents me for being fat. He offers no support when I attempt to lose weight. He says things like, "I've heard that before, and you won't do it, you haven't yet." He says that he wants the woman that he married back. He is a designer, and very superficial. He used to be kind, generous, and sweet. He says that he loves me, but not in love with me. And that he only wants to see me healthy and happy. Now, he is just there. One great example is when we were walking, I twisted my ankle and falling, and grabbed for he. He stepped away in a panic. When I called him out on it, he said "like I could support your weight anyway." Geez!

I would leave him, but unfortunately, I was told that if I initiate the divorce, he get pretty much everything. I have been without a paying job for over 2 1/2 years. I feel stuck. Dependent on him for money to live. I really don't know what to do. I have been thinking of finding a job in NYC where I know I have a good support system. But the cost of living is too high. Any advice?