Why won't this weight come off!

I started out 187 lbs, 6 feet tall. My goal is 175. I have been working out 5-6 days a week since February (cardio and strength, at least 30 mins). I started tracking my calories on My fitness pal about a month ago. It always says, if everyday was like this you'd be 175 in five weeks. But I am still not close!!

I have lost 6 pounds and 12 inches (overall). I admit I was hoping for something more dramatic considering how often I work out (I am always dripping at the end, how's that image for you...).

Is 6 pounds in 10 weeks about right? I don't think its just muscle build any more.

Appreciate the advice


  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Sometimes we don't eat enough so the weight will not come off. How much is your intake?