Lost, gained, trying to lose again...

I started on MFP in October 2010 and I lost 12 pounds, then I don't even know what happened. I was doing very well then I got sad, then my husband came home after a year in Korea. Somewhere between December and the beginning of April I gained the 12 lbs back and added an extra 5. I can't be the only one who has had a rough beginning or if I am try to cheer me up!
As if gaining the weight back wasn't bad enough I seem to have a hard time losing any of it now. Just need a reminder that it will be ok and I am not the only one!


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    You are definitely not the only one! I had twins at the end of 2009... lost all the weight I gained with them plus 20 pounds... then somewhere around the beginning of the year those 20 were back :( I've lost 16 of the 20 so far, but I have lots more I want to loose. Just be patient you will lose it eventually... it'll take time, just make sure the changes you do/are doing are ones you can do the rest of your life, no diets :) Well for me there are no diets, it's a lifestyle change, which is hard and is taking forever for the weight to come off, but I know I'll get there one day and so will you :)
  • lillypimprock
    I have gone up and down in my weight too. It was definitely harder for me to lose the weight the 2nd time around. I got to 185 and did weight watchers to lose 47 pounds. Gained all that back slowly over the course of a year plus 2 more pounds. Then, I just watched my calories and lost 25 and slowly lost the remaining 20. Now, I've gained 20 back and am trying to WORK that off before I get really big again. I am short (5'2') and fairly chesty. I don't want to get too thin, cause I don't wear it well but I do want to get healthy and to a point where all my clothes fit again. Good luck!
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    I wish I could offer some words of wisdom and encouragement. However, I am in the same boat. I lost 50 and have gained 30 back. I was about 25lbs from goal weight. I broke my ankle. Stopped exercising and restarted my bad eating habits.

    I know how you feel. All of your hard work down the tubes. All I can say is get back on the wagon and learn from our mistakes.
