after baby weight



  • sexyprincess69
    watch your salt intake
  • faithgriggs
    the workout is not the prob! like I said,I wake up EVERY morning sore from exercise the day before! I change it up and do videos,jogging,muscle confusion circuits.I feel myself getting stronger.just discouraging to see the numbers go UP. I never took my measurements before,but I think I need to.just been a while since I've seen those numbers ,not lookin forward to it. I think I need to adjust the cal/burn ratio. We will see next week if that makes a diff. :grumble:
  • faithgriggs
    ha! that could be it! had some salsa yesterday and added a little tonys seasonings to my ground turkey! :laugh:
  • thebunches
    fbmandy: The way that I personally "don't eat my calories back" is that I stick with my 1200 every day. Since by the end of the day, I typically work off about 900 calories, that would raise my calorie goal to 2100... which I don't eat. I stick with my 1200, no matter how much I work out (unless I'm SUPER hungry after a workout, then I will have a VERY healthy snack).

    I am 21 months post baby and FINALLY dedicating myself to get rid of this weight. It's so encouraging to see all the mama's on here!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! :)

  • faithgriggs
    so you mean that you eat 1200 cals,then work out and let the chips fall where they may? no eating back any extra? are you losing weight? cuz 900 cals daily seems pretty low....but maybe it works? let me know
  • JennHas2Ns
    My son is 15 months old and it's time to give my husband his wife back and get my body back finally! No excuses. Good luck, Ladies!
  • thebunches
    I guess that's how it works, yeah. I don't eat more than my 1200 per day, and since I started this diet/exercise routine last Monday (the 4th), I have already lost two pounds. (My goal is 2 pounds a week until I hit my goal weight, then just to maintain and tone.)