life after goal...



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Firstly congratulation, well done on reaching goal

    When you reached goal and upped your calories did that mean bigger meals...the more your stomach is stretch during a meal the more you will feel it shrinking in the way of hunger pangs, it might be better to up the amount of meals instead of eating bigger portions.
  • jasonweinberg
    catcrazy no not bigger meals just more snacking pretty much. try to stay healthy with the snacks. to brief tales as far as food recommendations my focus was def high protein, moderate carbs, low cal. al fresco chicken sausages, nonfat cheese, eggbeaters, spring mix, nonfat/lowfat dressings, salad bars, atkins snack bars, special k20 pink lemonade mixes, yoplait fiber one yogurts, protein shakes....these were a lot of my staples. i practiced a tremendous amount of repetition although i know over the long haul variety is the healthiest choice. i just found repetition helped me with staying disciplined. i watched my sugars very carefully and laid off even natural sugars for the most part so ate very little fruit while on my weight loss regimen. no fruit juices or sodas, sugary drinks at all ever. exercise exercise and more exercise. my motivation? i had felt defeated for years by my weiht, my appearance and my declining health. once i made up my mind that i could in fact change my life and started doing it, it all just came naturally. looking at pictures of myself now and liking what i see is such a change for me. and as far as anything medical i am like a new man. i have beaten back so many different medical maladies and am in such good health right now it is completely mind-blowing. next week is my one year anniversary from when i started.
  • carterdjohnson
    Maybe you could find a goal that has nothing to do with fitness but is emotionally satisfying.

    I agree, and am thinking this is something you should think about. I think your posting is very honest and VERY interesting, one of the more interesting things I've read on this site. You should be proud you're able to be so honest and forthright.

    But first, I have to say that I'm amazed at anyone who can stay with this for nearly a year; second, it's amazing that you lost so much weight; and third i think feeling a little lost and sad and empty is the most natural thing when ending something as important as this in your life. First you had your weight issue, then you had your weight-LOSS issue, and now what? How you deal with that loss will be another real measure of you as a person.

    As they say in 12-step programs, take it one day at a time. I don't think everything in life has to be goal-oriented, just listening to your body and your heart, and learning how to do that better and better, can be a real challenge. I'd love to know how you progress. Good Luck!
  • jasonweinberg
    today i realized there is something else afoot....i've been laid off for two weeks or so and able to snowboard for whole days everytime i've gone out. its also spring conditions so the snow is soft and heavy and requires a lot of strength. so some of my hunger has come from the heavy workouts my legs and lower back have been getting because i've realized those muscles have been growing in leaps and bounds. and yes, i've been putting the protein to it to help them replenish, recover and strengthen...
  • jasonweinberg
    i just made a big decision: why not lose more weight? spring is in the air, i'm back on my bike and while i set 199 as a weight goal (and made it) why not lose ten more or so? my "healthy weight" according to the charts is around 167 which to me is way skiinny...but why not 190? i am going for it!
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