BMI 18.5-24.9? Should I set a goal BMI instead of a goal Wei

I look at BMI and I look at pounds and I get a little confused on how it should be. The "normal weight" zone is 18.5-24.9. But when I look at this BMI zone in pounds, the difference is huge.

I'm 5' 6" [167.64 cm] I looked up the BMI converted into Weight and it says a "Normal weight" for someone my height would be 114.4 pounds [51.93 kg] to 154 pounds [69.85 kg]
That is a really big gap of weight in the "normal weight" range.

Would setting my goal to the minimum BMI be dangerous?

For some reason I imagine anything under 21.0 BMI / 130 pounds unachievable for someone like me. I just can't imagine myself ever being super thin.

My BMI is currently 30.8 btw. I'm labeled as "obese".


  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    I would say aim for a bmi of 22 which is right in the middle. This would also put your weight right in the middle of that gap! Good Luck!!
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    I wouldn't set a BMI goal, BMI can be incredibly inaccurate and it is outdated.

    Maybe read this article if you feel like it:

    I would not necessarily encourage you to set a weight goal either, but maybe fitness goals.
    Make goals for yourself, increase the amount of distance you're able to run, decrease your mile time, keep beating yourself! That is definitely a way to keep yourself going!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I would not go as low a 114 lbs. I'm a little over your height and find the perfect weight for me to be 125ish.

    If I were you, i'd set my goal for the middle of the BMI healthy range and once you get there reassess if you need to go further.
  • nlhawthorne
    There is a lot of evidence that BMI is not a reliable measure of whether or not you are a healthy weight. It takes no account of your body frame, the amount of muscle v fat on your body, etc. Then again how else do you choose a goal weight? At the end of the day it's your choice.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I'm 5'5.5", and while most people don't agree with BMI, I figure there's got to be something to it. So My ideal weight will be somewhere in that range. I will simply continue to workout until I'm happy with how my body looks and feels. My goal right now is to get down to 125, but we'll see once I get down under 150.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I think the BMI range is wide on purpose. I'm 5'4" "normal" BMI range is from something like 110 to 142 lbs. I know plenty of ladies who are 5'4" and are 115 lbs and that's just how they are.... but me, I'd be dead at 115 lbs. I'm not joking! My healthy weight for me is 130-140. At 130, I'd be as thin as I can get without wasting away. Maybe it's cuz I'm muscular, or maybe my bones are thick. I think it's important to know yourself and be true to yourself. You already know what's healthy for you. We all got different genes and I, for one, will never be a twig like the girls they let on TV.... but my boyfriend thinks I'm smoking here with my BMI of 24.2! (and I agree with him!)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am your same height and weigh 159.4 today. I am 54 and when I was 40 I had coincidentally dieted down to 135. Unfortunately I did it wrong and it didn't stick. But that is the exact middle of the BMI scale so that is my target again. I couldn't imagine 114! Or trying to stay there for more than 10 miutes! Yikes! I think you can talk with your doctor for professional input. I will reassess as I go, too. My skin is stretched especially on my legs, so I need to see what I'll look like, too.

    Friends/family may or maynot be a good support on this as some people for whatever reasons want to tell us who are losing weight and getting healthy that we are too skinny or area fine as we are. I know I am not. Bulging stomach and thighs are not skinny. I knew that 135 was a great weight for me at the time because I fit into size 8 perfectly and had no gut hanging under or over my belted jeans when I sat down. I think when you area close to your ideal weight you will find that clothes fit so much better. A sure fire way for me to know I am way too fat is when shirt sleeves and jackets hit me mid knuckle!

    Use common sense and the advice of professionals who have your health in mind. I say go for mid BMI. I want to friend you so I can watch someone my own size and see how it goes for you, too.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    There is a lot of evidence that BMI is not a reliable measure of whether or not you are a healthy weight. It takes no account of your body frame, the amount of muscle v fat on your body, etc. Then again how else do you choose a goal weight? At the end of the day it's your choice.

    I think it does take into account with the range it gives you, but it doesn't clearly state that, nor does it break it down for you. If you have tiny bones you will want to be at the lower end. If you have big bones or are an athlete then you will be at the higher end. And like you say, you decide for yourself which kind of takes the science away and makes it more of a guestimate. Health care professionals can help guide us along when we get there.
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    My doctor is all about that BMI chart..... SCREW THAT...

    Even though I am now in the normal range of the BMI chart, I will tell you that it is not what you should be setting a goal with. It is a reference tool ONLY.

    If you are going to use any chart or guideline as a goal setting tool, then use body fat percentage. Body fat percentage is more accurate of a tool because even if you are at a 26 BMI in the overweight range, that could be more muscle than fat. As an example... a guy that works out a lot (or a bodybuilder) would certainly be in the overweight to obese range on the BMI chart, but his body fat percentage is only 8-10% which is on the low end of normal fat content for us humans. You would never call that guy fat, right? You'd call him buff!

    FINALLY I will say this.... Ultimately, your goal is going to be when you fit into a certain size clothes or can look at yourself in the mirror naked and say, "Yeah baby!" For each of us, this is going to differ, but ultimately the only two things that matter are your happiness and health. If you are healthy and content with yourself, you win. Whether that means losing 5 lbs or 500 lbs, you are doing this for YOU.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    See the way we're all different? The way the same approach doesn't work for everybody?

    There is no standard that will apply to everybody. bmi is an average and while flawed, it can be a useful guide. I used it to set my first target - but I went for the upper end of the range and decided to reassess when I got there.