Turbo Jam

Has anyone ever tried this ? if so how much weight have you lost on it ,in what amount of time ? thanks


  • oboegirl
    oboegirl Posts: 22
    I got turbo jam about a month ago.

    Warning you now...these work outs are INTENSE!! I did them for a week, stopped for two weeks out of sheer laziness, and started again this week. Being that I haven't stuck with it for too long I can't say how much weight I've lost, but I can tell you that you burn a TON of calories ( I did a fifteen minute session today and it was like 400 calories for that little amount of time) and that it makes you sweat...a lot..like drenched. I really like it. Chalean is really nice and funny and they are really fun to do. I'll update in a few weeks to post progress.