brand new, and ready for change!

I'm Liz...Brand new here..I heard through a few different people that this site was really helping them. I really can't afford to join a program like Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig or I am riding solo and I am READY!

I have been overweight long as I can remember..I've always been the chunky girl..and I am so done with that. I will be 21 in November..I'm not a drinker now..but I want to for once in my life be able to wear a dress and feel phenomenal in it! I want to be the girl that the guys cannot look at. I am told I have a pretty face, now it's time to match that.

I've been trying to get in this groove for quite a while now..but I think my problem is that I go really hard and really work my butt off for a week or two..and when I don't see much of a difference, I just give up. I am done giving up! I just recently had knee surgery which has been a set back, and my doctor told me the reason why I am not healing and feeling as good as I should is because I'm fat..He said it about 8 times during my 5 minute appointment. That was it for me..that was when I couldn't look in the mirror and not feel completely disgusted. I am ready to be healthy, and to be happy..and to have clothes fit me..and look so good! I want it so badly, and I am gonna get it! :)

I hope to find support through here, and I hope I can be supportive to others! :D


  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Well, hello LIz. Having joined this site you are certainly in for a treat. Not only will you find support here and motivation by the boat load, but also lots of tips on good eating, good exercising, daily, weekly, monthly challenges of all kinds, folks that have similar challenges, are looking for like minded folks, etc. I have only been on this site myself for about 3 weeks but I find it has a lot to offer and sometimes all we need is a sympathetic ear or a chance to vent some steam. Welcome.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Yay for you! We are all on the same journey and you don't need to walk it alone! You can add me if you'd like! i'm always looking for more weight loss buddies! Together and with God's strength we can do this!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hello and welcome!!!
  • carrotstick
    Hi Liz! Good for you!!! I'm the same way - I always go really hard for a couple of weeks and then something happens (usually an event or dinner) and I veer off for one day, then I think I've failed, then I just go ahead and eat whatever I want and then I'm back to square one again. Supposedly it takes 30 days to gain a habit, so if you can think of it that way, after 30 days you'll have a much better grip on your goals. So, two weeks go by and all you have to do is think "I just need two more weeks" and then you'll be on the path to losing weight and getting fit as a habit!

    What I've done recently that has really, really helped me is I got two glasses and a bunch of marbles. I put the total number of marbles (one marble for each pound) into the "fat" glass and every time I lose a pound, I put one of those marbles in the "thin" glass. I keep it in the kitchen as a constant visual reminder of my goals and my progress. Trust me, it totally sucks to have to put a marble back in the "fat glass" so it keeps you motivated to be good : )
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    carrotstick I LOVE that Idea!!! and Liz were here for you!!!! come in and join the fun! im pretty new here as well....:smile:
  • Bubbles_09
    Bubbles_09 Posts: 65 Member
    ITs great on here, there is alot of motivation you will get...enjoy
  • Katy_Adele
    Katy_Adele Posts: 20 Member
    welcome to the site! and good luck on your journey! we will be here for support when you need it :)