1250 calorie a day

Hi everyone... I am at an intake of 1250 calories a day.. ending most day below that by 100 to 200 calories.. is it good to end lower then that number or is that going to put my body into starve mode and hurt my chance at loosing more.. I want optimal results.. any help with this would be great... good luck to all i am week two into this .. and i am down 8lbs!!!


  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hi everyone... I am at an intake of 1250 calories a day.. ending most day below that by 100 to 200 calories.. is it good to end lower then that number or is that going to put my body into starve mode and hurt my chance at loosing more.. I want optimal results.. any help with this would be great... good luck to all i am week two into this .. and i am down 8lbs!!!

    You should be netting 1200 and not going below that.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone... I am at an intake of 1250 calories a day.. ending most day below that by 100 to 200 calories.. is it good to end lower then that number or is that going to put my body into starve mode and hurt my chance at loosing more.. I want optimal results.. any help with this would be great... good luck to all i am week two into this .. and i am down 8lbs!!!

    You should be netting 1200 and not going below that.

    Absolutely. I was burning a lot more calories than I was taking in and losing about 1 - 1.5# per week. I got a heart rate monitor and started eating more. Now I have been losing 2 - 2.5# per week. The first week or two is more water than anything, and if you don't eat more, you will go into starvation mode and will plateau.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    FIrst of all awesome job and congrats on losing 8 lbs already. Second you should NEVER eat less than 1200 calories in a day. 1200 CAL is what your body needs just to sit and breathe. Your body will start holding onto the weight if you give it less than that cause it will think you are starving. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to always ask there are lots of wonderful people here who are always willing to help.
  • Hi everyone... I am at an intake of 1250 calories a day.. ending most day below that by 100 to 200 calories.. is it good to end lower then that number or is that going to put my body into starve mode and hurt my chance at loosing more.. I want optimal results.. any help with this would be great... good luck to all i am week two into this .. and i am down 8lbs!!!

    You should be netting 1200 and not going below that.

    Absolutely. I was burning a lot more calories than I was taking in and losing about 1 - 1.5# per week. I got a heart rate monitor and started eating more. Now I have been losing 2 - 2.5# per week. The first week or two is more water than anything, and if you don't eat more, you will go into starvation mode and will plateau.

    Ever since I started eating back as many of my exercise calories as I could comfortably I've started losing more weight. It sound weird, but it works!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    What she said. Make sure you are NETTING at LEAST 1200 a day. Lower than that and you will be sabotaging yourself.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    1250 is way too low, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. I made this mistake. MFP set my calories at 1250, and for 6 weeks, I did not lose any weight...as a matter of fact, I gained, even though I was working out and eating/netting the recommended number of calories. It got so frustrating. Finally, after getting good advice from the good folks here on MFP, I realized that my body had gone into starvation mode. Besides, setting me at 1250 calories per day now when I still have 100+ calories to lose would make it nearly impossible to meet my goal. So, I manually reset my calorie intake level to 1600 to get the scale moving again.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Starvation mode does not stop you from losing weight. At all. What it does is likely deprive you of necessary vitamins/nutrients and cause a variety of problems including chopping your fingers off and various other insanities (OH YEAH - IT'S DOCUMENTED IN A STUDY! :-D ).

    Basically, if you're overweight you should only be aiming to lose one pound a week (500 cals less than you need to run your body a day). If you're obese you can safely aim for two pounds a week (1000 cal cut per day). If you try to lose three lbs a week by cutting 1500 cals/day you are likely (in time when the initial water weight diet shock subsides) to only see 2.5 lbs lost a week. Considering the malnutrition you would be getting from attempting this, it's really not *worth* the extra half a pound a week.

    Personally, if you're looking for a short term to get over a plateau, I find cutting back a lot or adding a few hundred calories for a couple of days helps to shock the body into weight loss again. Some people don't like to mess with calories and just do a carb/protein shift to shock the system. Some work out more and don't eat it back. There are a *lot* of different approaches and as long as you don't try anything extreme for too long (unless under medical supervision) you'll probably be a-ok. :-)

    Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Starvation_Experiment

    *edited or grammar because I'm tired :-D*
  • sarahlynnemmons
    sarahlynnemmons Posts: 9 Member
    i sit at a desk job most days.. very inactive.. so i set it with a sedetary lifestyle.. MFP set me at 1250 intake.. currently i weight 243.5... i want to loose 100lbs... i am eating over 1200 calories a day but just exercisising so much that it makes it look like i have more.. so lets say.. i need that sugar free pudding.. i have eaten all day.. and i am at 1250 i now know i need to get on treadmill for a mile to burn 123 calories.. so i do that.. then i can eat the pudding and be under the 1250 cal mark.. is this thinking going to hurt my results?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    i sit at a desk job most days.. very inactive.. so i set it with a sedetary lifestyle.. MFP set me at 1250 intake.. currently i weight 243.5... i want to loose 100lbs... i am eating over 1200 calories a day but just exercisising so much that it makes it look like i have more.. so lets say.. i need that sugar free pudding.. i have eaten all day.. and i am at 1250 i now know i need to get on treadmill for a mile to burn 123 calories.. so i do that.. then i can eat the pudding and be under the 1250 cal mark.. is this thinking going to hurt my results?

    I don't think it will hurt your results. Honestly, thats what I do and so far I've been good. Granted I have less to lose than you and everyone's body is different, so you need to listen to your body and if you gain then stop doing that.

    On a different note, I was talking to my trainer tonight and he said I need to eat at least a 1000 calories..but everyone here is saying 1200. So it makes you wonder which is right...
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    On a different note, I was talking to my trainer tonight and he said I need to eat at least a 1000 calories..but everyone here is saying 1200. So it makes you wonder which is right...

    It's different for everyone. The site errs on the side of caution and NEVER lets you think it's okay to eat less than 1200 cals/day because it could just be a thousand calories of zero nutritional value. (they don't want to get sued or have someone walk away from the site complaining that they got sick :-) )
  • I am always 100 cals over or under. I think as long as you stay close to 1200 you will lose lbs. Thats what works for me. But everybody is different.
  • hornseagirl
    hornseagirl Posts: 32 Member
    I often land up lower...I too am sat at a desk ; however i do go mad on a saturday night with a chicken Balti and garlic naan which helps kick start my metabolism again for the next week ahead ( or so i tell myself). I feel that as long as the diet has the right mix and not made up of crisps and biscuits sticking mostly to salad, fruit and protein etc then being a bit under the calorie count is OK. You know yourself how your body feels. I surcumbed to three chocolate biscuits today but they should fit into my calorie count Ok.