New to the site

Hello, I am new to the site. I am having a lot of trouble right now as I am experience alot of low blood sugars. It's killing me...I am going back to the doctors next week to see if there is anything that can be done. It is SO frustrating as I would love to lose 100 lbs. I've been able to love 15 but i've keept steady for thae past month. I see a nutritionilist and I joined a gym. I am allergic to nuts, aspertame and olive oil....dieting is not easy....:noway:


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Good to have you here. Feel free to friend me if you like. Hope you have a great weight loss journey.
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    I am a diabetic too! dieting is hard but you are about to do a life change not a diet it works better less stress and here you will have all kinds of support. Feel free to add me as a friend. In case you don't know how click the name when it goes to the site click on add as a friend you can leave a message if you want good luck on this new journey:drinker: