Trouble losing/slimming down - frustrating

I've been weight training since end of November. I think sometime around January I also began to do cardio on off days. I'm watching my calories. Started at 1500, I've now cut back to 1400. From beginning of March until now I have lost 3lbs. About 2 years ago I lost 50 lbs, truthfully it was easy. I started weight watchers, after 20 lbs lost I hired a personal trainer, lost an additional 30 lbs. I could eat bad and not gain a pound. I was living the good life, so I thought. Within the last 1-1.5 yrs I began to put the weight back on. Purely by eating bad and not working out. I decided in November to get serious and get back in shape. I hired a PT again. I thought it'd come off easily again....boy was I wrong!!! The 3lbs I've lost are the hardest earned 3lbs ever! I know that with weight training I won't necessarily lose scale weight but I should slim down, clothes fit better. NO!! I've went up a size. :( I've worked so hard (going on cruise 1st week in May) and I'm just so angry that my body won't give in. I've lost inches everywhere but my hips...they won't budge!!!

Thanks for reading my angry rant.