Moments of weakness?

olakala Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
What do you do to distract yourself when you have moments of weaknesses?

I definately need some tips!


  • olakala
    olakala Posts: 3
    What do you do to distract yourself when you have moments of weaknesses?

    I definately need some tips!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Pick myself up and realize tomorrow is another day!!

    If you mean prior to actually having that "moment" - then sometimes I visualize the fat that it creates and avoid it. Or -- I give in and have a little.
  • Gabbi
    Gabbi Posts: 206 Member
    Go for a walk, enjoy the scenery. That should take your mind off what ever is bothering u, Good luck!!
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    If I know it's coming I'll drink a bottle of water, feels me up so quick. I've also tried what someone else on here said and brush my teeth, who wants to eat with toothpaste taste?
    If I've already succumed to it. I say Rome was sure as heck not built in a day. Tomorrow is a brand new day. Then I go start preparing for tomorrows cals and write in the "notes section" today is a new day and git r done!
  • I pop in a piece of gum! I chew trident splashers and they are only 5 calories! It occupies my mouth so I forget that I'm not eating food.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    I pop in a piece of gum! I chew trident splashers and they are only 5 calories! It occupies my mouth so I forget that I'm not eating food.

    agreed best thing to do,
    or if its a late night snack you're craving
    brush your teeth! (even if you already have)
    because nothing tastes good after that minty freshness:sick:
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