Rollercoaster Health

Hey guys,

I'm actually new on here as of last week. I've really fluctuated between losing weight and gaining weight It's tough for me because I really want to build my self worth. When I was younger I'd try to eat less and less. Last year I exercised all the time but still ate too many unhealthy foods. However, this year I really want to make a change. I try to exercise a lot and eat healthy, I have about 15 pounds until I reach my goal weight which is difficult for me because the number doesn't like to change.

However, I'm determined to do this the healthy way and I really hope My Fitness Pal will help me do so! Maybe with new friends on here too? It's so difficult for me, when it comes to junk food. Just the other day I completely binged at a Chinese buffet and afterwards I just cried because I can't keep going on and off the health wagon. I don't want to fail and let food control me, I want to choose and eat my food. It's a roller-coaster, as some of you hopefully relate with! I really hope being part of this site helps me stay motivated to stay on the right track and not stray over to foods I know my body doesn't need. I want to love myself and know I'm doing the best I can.

Good luck to all of you too!! Add me!


  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    For the most part I say don't up-end your life.

    Make a few small changes and once they become habit a few more and so on and so on.
    Forget about being perfect, but always look to do just a little better.

    If you change everything all at once you revert to old ways as soon as stress hits. (And who has a stress-free life?)

    For the first 2 week on MFP I just logged what I ate with out worrying about losing, then I looked at what I was eating and started off with the simplest things to change. Then every week or two I'd add a couple of new changes.

    Also I calculated my calories to:
    1) lose 1lb/wk,
    2) 1/2lb/wk,
    3) Maintain GOAL weight and
    4) Maintain my current weight.

    I gave myself a RANGE with 1200 being the bottom of the range my TARGET was my lose 1lb/wk calories, the top of my range was my maintain goal weight calories. As long as I fell in that range I would still be losing weight and I refused to feel guilty for going over my 1290 calorie target, because let's face it I'm still doing a heck of a lot better than before MFP.
    And the slower you lose the more likely you are to keep it off.

    If I went as high as #4 then at least I wasn't gaining weight and there was no reason to throw in the towel.

    I found that after 2-3 days very close to my target I'd end up having a day that was my target +200-300 calories or so. But I'm trying very hard to come up with something I can live with for a very long time, so I can't go around feeling hungry or deprived all the time. So far it's been working for me.

    My advice is track even on bad days, Don't stress about meeting your goal exactly everyday. Be very honest with yourself, because you can't trick your body, so you might as well see the cause and effect for yourself. Don't be afraid to take your time and lose very slowly (now that I'm just a few pounds away from my goal weight I shifted down the 1/2 lb/wk) As you get older your body needs less and less calories so the more you cut out now the less wiggle room you'll have when you are my age. (I know that's forever away)

    Good Luck,
  • grdevoe
    grdevoe Posts: 16
    Thank you so much:)