Calorie count and recipes

Hello everybody!!!

Does anybody else have issues with eating all there calories for the day? Im usually low between 100-400... Do you eat regardless hungry or not? or what if its to late to eat? I work a funky schedule so Its hard for me to keep a set time to eat .

My next questions is what do you eat? whats a good breakfast lunch and dinner? any websites for recipes or does any one have good tips on what you should eat with what?



  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Eggs whites omellet for breakfast..very low in cals , good protein and fills you up :) add some mushrooms/ onions/ etc.....

    I snack on Chex Mix / Zone perfect bars/apples/ Fage yogurts is the bomb.! :)
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    I'm in the same boat with about the eat them all..or not..? mmmmm...waiting to see what others have to say. :)
  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    TOPIC: THE answers to THE questions - I found this on MFP community notice board. under General Diet and Weight Loss help posted Fri 02/22/08 05:23 AM.....and lo....there's heap of adivse on what to do with those left-over calories...I've decided that I will 'eat' them as I have not lost anything now for 2 weeks....For breakfast I have rolled oats porridge with milk...very satisfying and filling....:-)
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    I usually don't have a problem eating my 1200 calories but I do tend not to eat my exercise calories back (not hungry enough). On those exercise days, I sometimes like to have almonds on hand - they help up the calories:)
    I have my diary open to my MFP friends if you want to friend me for ideas?
  • PharmCat12
    I sometimes find myself with a bunch of extra calories by the end of the day, and since my goal is around 1200, I need to make sure I eat all of my available calories so I don't go into "starvation mode." I typically fix myself a dessert treat, as a reward for making through the whole day with low calories. Luckily, my dessert options are usually somewhere in the 100-300 range and that gets me up to my goal. I loooove dessert.....

    I get into a food rut, usually (but I am okay with that) and my typical food for a day is something along these lines:
    Breakfast: 2 whole wheat Eggo waffles, 2 cups of coffee with 2 tbsp french vanilla creamer
    Snack: cheese stick and fruit (applesauce, pineapple, fruit salad)
    Lunch: green salad with homemade balsamic dressing, yogurt cup
    Dinner: grilled fish, rice, veggie
    Dessert: now, that depends on how good I have been throughout the day :) I really like Skinny Cow ice cream, and it is pretty low calorie!
    My food diary is public - feel free to check it out if you would like!

    Good luck!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I change it up, some days right at the line and on others under by up to 400. Working so far!