Can't lose, only gain. Lost modivation. Help?

Hey guys,
So I keep coming back on here trying to lose weight and get healthy but I can't seem to lose anything after going balls out for a few weeks then after not losing anymore than a pound (which could easily be normal weight fluctuation) I call it quits and give up on the whole thing resorting back to normal habits. I know that's bad but I don't get why I'm gaining when my normal eating habits are relatively healthy and completely within my 1600 calorie limit. Also I eat about the exact same thing as my girlfriend on a daily basis and she weighs about 115lbs without having to do anything but then again her metabolism is insane as well.

Working out is where I'm bad and can see as my issue for gaining weight but when I have been monitoring myself on here I've been working out almost daily for about 40 minutes a day (last I had done this for was about three weeks and the scale didn't budge) and regularly I'm pretty active and am usually on my feet at work. If I could lose just a few pounds I'd feel like I've accomplished something and have enough motivation to continue onward. I'm wondering if this might be a medical issue now but before I spend the money on blood work I wanted to hear if anyone else was having issues losing similar to mine.

There are a few things I would like to mention as well. I'm a 20 year old female, ~200lbs give or take five depending on the week, for the past two years I've been having rapid weight loss and weight gain (the record was 30 lbs lost in a month followed by it being gained all back in the next month), I work nights, I have PCOS and my mother has a thyroid issue. My doctor has told me that its just my eating without requesting a look at my diet and that I need to drop down to 1200 calories. I also am thinking my doctor is a quack seeing as she didn't realize I have mild knock-knees along side a twisted leg (birth defect) so when I complained of hip pain when I walk she wrote it off as me sitting to much which turned out to be due to my janky leg when I threw a fit in the office. Keep in mind she never ask about my physical activity, merely writing off that since I'm over weight that means I must eat and do nothing all day. I'd switch doctors if it wasn't for that my mother has a fit about me doing so (she loves our doctor). My janky leg also makes it painful to workout with regular cardio and the elliptical is painful since my knees turn inward and cause a grinding on my hips, ankles and knees. Normally I just have to pop a few pain meds before I workout to deal but I know that its not good at all.

So I guess I'm looking for advice and if anyone has had any similar stories or how they've dealt with their issues. I have no idea what direction to start off in for getting healthy and losing this weight and I just would like to hear of someone who I can relate to about all of this.


EDIT: Also, just so you all know, I just gained 9 lbs in the past week. I'm not eating any different or being any less active. I have no idea what to do.


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    May want to open your diary if you want some good input on things to work on. :wink:

    Have you tried swimming or stationary bike for exercise? They can be easier on joints if you have joint pain.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    I have a few friends that have PCOS what seems to work for them is a low carb/ rawish diet. Also I would see a NEW doctor seeing as how this one is obviously an idiot.

    Don't compare yourself to your girl friend it will only set you up for failure. Have you been measuring yourself. Maybe you are losing inches without losing actual weight.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    Also are you on birth control? I know it is a common treatment for PCOS. If so you might want to see about taking a potassium supplement because a lake of it can cause your body to be losing muscle instead of fat.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    First off... fire your doctor and get a new one... sounds like there's some issues there with her not listening to you're legitimate complaints. Don't worry about what your mom wants... this is YOUR health and YOUR life! Your mom will get over it! You have to have a doctor that YOU are comfortable with. This doctor may be great for your mom and that's fine, but they aren't great for you! And there's OBVIOUSLY something going on because weight fluctuation that drastic isn't normal... Get a second opinion!

    Second... you said you go "balls out" the first 3 weeks... I'm not sure if that meant diet or exercise or both... try a more gradual approach. Be realistic with your expectations and what you want to achieve. Remember this is for the long haul not a quick fix!

    Since the elliptical hurts have you tried the stationary bike or even a recumbant bike (one where you're sitting back more than upright). Bikes are great at taking preasure off knees and hips. You might want to look into some water aerobic classes too. Those are great or just swimming in general!

    Also, what's your diet like... is it full of good carbs such as whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies. You may actually need MORE food. I know that sounds crazy but it's true... if you don't fuel your body properly it's not going to release anything you have stored, it will only store more!

    Keep your head up. It sounds like your battling both poor choices and genetics! Keep at it and don't let the failures stop you from getting what you want...

    Remember it's not about falling down, we all do that... it's about GETTING BACK UP!!!

    I don't have any similar issues so I hope this helps... Good luck!!!
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    You obviously shouldn't be eating your exercise calories. this site adds those up to be safe, but someone weighing what you weigh has enough fat reserves so your deficit can be higher and you'll lose weight faster. Your dr might be an idiot, but is right.
    This site is trying to avoid liability and potentialissues for people who actually plan to eat less than 1200 cal a day, which like your dr said, is the absolute minimum you should eat.
    Many ppl around here don't like to hear this but do some research. You'll se that your fat reserves will kep your body running when you don't eat your exercise calories. And you'll lose weight. Fast and healthy.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    I'm feeling similar right now, I'm at 185ish and I have been working out for several weeks and not losing weight. While I was counting and restricting my calories I gained 4 pounds, so I decided to keep the exercise for now and stop worrying about my calorie #s. So far I have stopped gaining weight and am down 2 pounds (but not getting excited as you mentioned because that's a normal flux range).

    I'm just trying to eat what my body asks for right now. Unrealized when I count calories I eat differently- like, I try to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks, but this way I eat two meals and little snacks whenever. Like my 160 calories of portioned and bagged popcorn will be munched on all day rather than in 2 minutes.

    Everyone is always trying to give me advice, but none of it has worked so I'm doing what feels right to me.

    Have you looked into pilates?
  • charmsangel13
    charmsangel13 Posts: 50 Member
    Boy do I know how you feel!!! I am losing nothing, but exercsing at least 5 days a week and staying below my calories. I tend to eat around 1600 net a day which is my BMR. If I eat anything less I get super hungry and binge. I am going to keep up the exercise and really concentrate on eating good food. I am losing cms (like 4 cms since saturday, annoying as I have put on 2 kgs) which is awesome. I am also feeling healthier within myself. I hope you find some motivation!! Add me if you want and we can figure it out together!!