? about weight on ticker...

just wondering what weight you put in on your ticker?? the weight you were on that day?.. or your highest weight?.. i am changing mine to my highest, because i have lost many pounds in the last two years, i want to give myself credit for those too, since it is an ongoing life changing (battle for me right now)
just wondering...thanks,


  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just wondering what weight you put in on your ticker?? the weight you were on that day?.. or your highest weight?.. i am changing mine to my highest, because i have lost many pounds in the last two years, i want to give myself credit for those too, since it is an ongoing life changing (battle for me right now)
    just wondering...thanks,
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    At first, I put my weight that day. But only seeing one pound lost after a week was depressing and non-motivating, so I changed it up and put my original weight from the beginning on my weight loss journey (my weight as of Feb 2007). Seeing the total weight loss, and that I'm right at the halfway mark to my final goal was such an encouragement!
  • Reesy
    Reesy Posts: 132 Member
    It's totally up to you what you want to track...whatever motivates you.