Continuing "Insanity"

After reading the post replies to my first topic, and then working out I have decided to continue doing the Insanity program. I am into my second week now, and I do not want to stop. I know that I am not damaging myself thanks to my friend who is monitoring my form while I exercise. I need to lose 20-25lbs. I feel that this program will help me not only lose weight, but also to help me learn self motivation. Right now I have the thought, "Just do it, you will be happy in the end." Maybe at this moment, its just the endorphins kicking in, but hey, it really helps! Wish me luck!~ ^_^


  • samantharae121205
    After reading the post replies to my first topic, and then working out I have decided to continue doing the Insanity program. I am into my second week now, and I do not want to stop. I know that I am not damaging myself thanks to my friend who is monitoring my form while I exercise. I need to lose 20-25lbs. I feel that this program will help me not only lose weight, but also to help me learn self motivation. Right now I have the thought, "Just do it, you will be happy in the end." Maybe at this moment, its just the endorphins kicking in, but hey, it really helps! Wish me luck!~ ^_^

    my ma just got me this. it looks extremely hard. how do you like it?. have you seen results after the first 2 weeks?
  • Gabriella34
    The only result Ive gotten is better stamina. I also have asthma. I was taught that exhaling like a whistle helps, and today I realized I felt like passing out was because I spent too much time exhaling and didn't inhale enough. I think you can do it~ In the beginning focus on proper form, and maybe have a partner who can keep you in check. Something I also keep in mind is, "If it doesn't hurt, I'm not doing it enough." To get stronger I know I have to push myself through pain, heck, Im sure most body builders have to as well! If you're asthma kicks in, take a break in between and catch your breath, and when you think you're ready, jump right back into it! Also, I understand if you do not want to do Insanity. It took me a month of me watching my boyfriend and his brother working out to Insanity for me to bow my head and ask for help. Insanity is really hard, and requires commitment. I'm still a little nervous each time I am about to work out, but that is normal. =w= ;
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    It's very important to follow the meal guide. When I did it the first time I lost no weight, but I did tone up. What I wasn't doing was following the meal guide. Because of that I was eating about 800 calories more than I was supposed to, thus keeping the weight on.
  • Gabriella34
    I keep my weight goals on this website, but do you think that will work too?