Bluetooth HRM

Theocakes Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I would like to sync my bluetooth HRM with MFP and keep track of my daily calorie burn and from trolling the forums, it doesn't look like it's possible. Hopefully that is coming soon. In the meantime, does anyone know of a good app for android that will keep track of calories burned? I want something similar to bodyfit's format. I would like to wear my HRM all day and have something chart my heart rate through out the day so I can see when and how I am burning the most calories. My SIL has a bodyfit and she learned that she burns more calories on days that she does certain workouts, after the workouts and through out the day. She also learned that she was hurting her metabolism by not consuming enough calories. I know that I can't get this detailed without a device like bodyfit, but I would like something close. Something that can tell me that during the day, my total calories burned was W and that I did X minutes of intense/vigorous exercise, Y minutes of medium exercise, Z minutes of low exercise, etc.
This would help me determine if the days I feel like I was running around all day burning calories if I am really burning as much as I think when I am vacuuming, laundry, etc and it's ok for me to be too tired to workout. Or if I didn't really burn that many calories and I need to pull some extra energy to burn more. It would also help me tell if I am continuing to burn as many calories after my workout as I feel that I am.


PS, as someone who has used forums in the past, please don't respond that I really should get a bodyfit because of XY and Z. I have spent enough money on the things I do have that I would like to use and have no interest in shelling out more for a bodyfit and paying a subscription to use it. I am aware of all the features already, I have done the research and I am not interested in a bodyfit, it is simply more than I personally need. I have a bluetooth HRM, an android phone, and feel pretty confident that if there isn't an app out there yet, there will be one that can get me close enough to what I want based on my heart rate. I don't mean to be rude, I just know how easy it is for people to get off topic. I am also not putting down the bodyfit, I am a little envious of my SIL for having one, but it's one of those cases where I know I don't really NEED it and paying for school, my bills, and for things my baby needs outweighs adding yet another monthly bill.


  • Or if anyone knows of a way I can manipulate an existing app to get similar results. For example I just saw an app that tracks lap times. While not ideal if there is a way that I can hit stop at the end of an activity to record calories burned and then start it again for the next activity, and then get a report or chart that will show me that the first activity would be considered vigorous and the second considered wimpy :P
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