How to juggle being a mom, housewife and dieter??



  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    you're day sounds so busy! maybe on the weekends or days that your dh is home, you could make larger meals and freeze half of it? ...and on the days when he's at work you can pull out the meal to thaw. ...Or just do simple, one pot dinners. Over the years I've learned to do just a little bit every day (as far as cleaning goes) and to not stress about it. Also, if you feel you're kids are old enough give them some stuff to do.

    My kiddos are bigger and can help out some so that's a big plus! I used to feel kinda guilty about giving my kids "chores" becasue I'm a sham; but really how are they going to learn to do anything if I don't let them? So slowly I have handed somethings off to my kids.

    My 4yr old can easily help dust if I'm just 'dry' dusting w one of those swiffer things. ...and she helps w her laundry (she matches socks and her clothes that go in the dresser she puts away. I still have to fold for her tho.) She also helps to set/clear the table (i just need to put the plates and such on the table so she can reach. ...and she puts all the dog's toys back in the basket.

    My 9yr old does lots more! He wipes-down the kids' bathroom upstairs and that makes going in to clean it so easy for me! He also helps by dusting and vacuuming the playroom, set/clear the table, unload the diswasher (what he can't reach I do, like the glasses) and sometimes dishes. He also takes the trash out and will pull the bins down to the street and back up. ...and he puts all his own laundry away (if I remind him too).

    I don't have them help w the table or dishes or whatever everyday. Just a few times a week. I look at it this way, we are a family, a team, and we all need to work together. When my son starts to talk about how much he doesn't want to clean I show him my to do list and ask if wants to trade; that usually takes care of that (on day we traded; he was done being the grown-up by lunch!)

    Oh, and w the laundry, each of them have a basket in their room, on Thursdays (laundry day because I don't want to have to worry about over the weekend) they bring their baskets down to the laundry-room. When the clothes are done I'll fold and put it all in the basket and they can carry it back up stairs.

    As far as their bedrooms go. I don't even fight w them. They know what I expect; they know how to pick up their toys (yes even my four yr old knows where her barbies go). There have been times when they have missed out because their rooms weren't picked up. ((For some reason my son is much better at helping out with "community" areas of the house than he is about is room...???))

    I love that my kids have learned that things don't just magicly get done and that mom works hard to do keep up on the house and everything in it. The house stays cleaner for longer now!

    That's all I got... hope I said something that helps!
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    I understand what it can be like to get everything done In a day and if you have to run them here and do that it takes up time also. This whole journey for us is learning to take time for ourselves for the better, not because we are being selfish. IMO does it really matter what time the dishes get washed? My suggestions for you is after dinner is all said and done and knowing you cant leave your child in the house alone while you excercise, so put him in a stroller and go walk for an a half an hour to an hour. A walk will help you slow done at the end of the busy day and dont worry about what is not done at home, it will be there when you back. You can also use baseball practice as a chance to excercise while he is preoccupied with another activity, just walk around the practice field while you are waiting.

    Just a few thoughts, hope everything works out!!
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    I'm not a mom but am a medical student and work long hours. I've found it makes meals SO much easier when I meal plan at the beginning of the week. Each weekend I decide what we're eating Monday-Thurs and plan out all 4 meals, complete w/ a grocery list of the ingredients I need that week for lunches and dinner. Knowing what you're having and having all ingredients on hand is the majority of the battle, I think. ;) Also, I try to pre as much the night before. Good luck! =)

    I second the Crockpot Meals ... they have been a godsend for my sanity too ....