Thought it was about time I said hi

debdene Posts: 40 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I found MFP nearly a fortnight ago now, and I love it! so thought as its my new home from the minute I start eating for the day Id better say hello!

My name is Debs and im from Cheltenham (UK) a mum of 5 and a nana of soon to be 3 year old grandson.

I need to sort my life out NOW! and hopefully MFP will be my lifeline, Ive lost 8lbs already :-)
My main problem is I suffer from painful feet, and have bad knees which are just getting worse so I figure if I loose weight hopefully they will get better, exercise is not very comfortable atm so Im not doing as much as I should but hopefully that will get better too!

Im so inspired by peoples stories of achievement on here, real people,with real battles to fight! not glossy magazine people or celebs.

My hubby has also been eating better and has lost 4lbs, he didnt loose any last time he weighed in so Ive said I will help set him up a MFP this weekend so he can keep track of what he is eating, we also plan on weekend walks.

So that`s my hello, and I look forward to the start of my life with the help MFP and everyone here x


  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    Hi Debs welcome to MFP
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome !! Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome!! :flowerforyou:
    I am new myself.
    I am hoping the best results for you and so far I have been doing my calorie count but I have weighed myself yet.
    This site is helpful and I am hoping you can find success in this like we all are.

    Best of luck!!
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Debs...welcome to MFP. you will find this site a great place to meet people in the same position as you. until recently, I never
    capitalized on the wealth of friends & support that you get here...but when I needed the support, these wonderful people came to
    my rescue and now I value them greatly!!

    I also have physical limitations with exercise so just hang in there. you can start by losing the weight by changing your diet choices and
    then when your body is able, start off slow ....the only thing I can do is walk...just start slow and build up from there.

    I am from Canada but have a daughter who know lives and works in the UK (actually coming there next week)....if you want to add me
    as a friend, please feel free....

    keep you the good work!!!
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome, nice to have friends as well to help us all get thro the day :-)

    Debs x
  • Ahlawek
    Ahlawek Posts: 10
    Hello teenage daughter and I joined MFP about 6 weeks ago. She, unfortunately inherited my body type (we call it "built low to the ground for comfort...not speed". She discovered the MFP site in early March and shared it with me. I've been on every diet known to man and had great success on most of them. The sad reality is diets don't work if you can't sustain the way you're eating. Over the course of my dieting life, I've learned that support from the outside world and support from the inside is the most important thing to success. Posting my daily exercise progress and food intake gives me the sense of accountability to the entire group of folks that utilize this forum. Of only works if you're truthful. The downside is you're only hurting yourself by not living within your integrity. My daughter and I have had great success during the 6 weeks sonce we joined. We're both looking forward to reaching our goals and then maintaining.
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