non-diet problem, womens problems/TMI


I don't know if its stress related, hormone related, diet/exercise related...

Yesterday I ate normal for me(my diary is public) and the only exercise I did was 45mins of weight lifting(my first time in a while, loved it but boy do i ache today) which was before my dinner. I then had my dinner and my daily luxury and went to bed really early at 8.30pm as I was really tired. I woke up this morning and I was bleeding like a TOM but that only happened like a week a go!!! And I have a slight stomach cramp and headache but no swollen breast(as i normally get that extremely bad during TOM) and still very very light bleeding. I recently(2 months ago) changed to yasmin birth control for my skin and bloating, I was previously on mercilon. I'm also going through alot in my head stress wise with my bf (see previous posts)

My TOM are normally like clockwork, same time and i have signs upto 12-24 hours before to warn me. This unusual bleeding is really odd for me, any you lot have any ideas what it could be.

Ohhhh and my throat reli hurts(where my adams apple shud b if i was guy) which is where the thyroid is, duno if thats related.

Any suggestions would be appreciated :D .



  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Get checked out?
    Good luck.
  • EmmaRankmore
    I've had random periods when I've been heaps stressed out - that could be part of the problem. If it only lasts for a day or two that could be it. If its prelonged amounts of bleeding, I'd go to the doc just to get checked out to clear your mind a bit.
  • hopper2212
    Go see your doctor :/
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Nothing to mess with...go get checked out. Better to be safe then sorry.

    My guess is that it could be some breakthrough bleeding from the change in pills. I would not be concerned personally if it were just a little bit of spotting and only lasted a day, but because you are having other pain, I would go get checked out asap.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    I agree, you definitely need to see a health care professional. That stuff doesn't sound normal at all. Any advice you get on MFP is just amateur opinion. You seriously need to get checked out!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    thanks u lot, I'll see if its still happening tomorrow, if it is off to the GP immediately. I wasn't sure if i shud be concerned or not, but its always best to be safe than sorry.
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but it sounds to me like you are having some breakthrough bleeding because of your pill change. This happens. Major stress can also play a large factor in your periods. So try to manage it as best as you can.

    As for the throat, maybe you are getting sick. You said you were really tired, maybe your body is trying to fight something off. Make sure you get adequate rest! And definitely see your doctor, or call your gyno! Good luck! :-)
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    I'm not a doctor, but it sounds to me like you are having some breakthrough bleeding because of your pill change. This happens. Major stress can also play a large factor in your periods. So try to manage it as best as you can.

    As for the throat, maybe you are getting sick. You said you were really tired, maybe your body is trying to fight something off. Make sure you get adequate rest! And definitely see your doctor, or call your gyno! Good luck! :-)

    Thanks hun, I think it possibly is break through bleeding too, I had it before on previous pills, yasmin is a tiny bit higher is oestrogen than mercilon was and me and my GP were hoping I wouldn't have any break through bleeding because the oestrogen is still very low, and way lower than any others where break through bleeding has happened before. And I think the emotional stress may have triggered it what with the stress i put on body during the workout yesterday too. But If the effects don't pass in the next day or so, I will be back to the