Plateau straight away?

Hey all,

I've now been using MFP for 105 days! Woo! in that whole time i've lost a grand total of 3lb, thats like 1lb a month. I generally stay under my limit, if I go over it's maybe only by about 100calories, my limit is set at 1230. If i go over then I put on weight. I exercise, i've been eating healthier than i've ever eaten before.

I just don't understand why i'm not losing the weight. I'm drinking plenty of water so it's not water weight. I've tried not exercising, exercising loads, i've tried eating less, eating more, nothing seems to shift me to lose anymore weight.

I am only 5ft3in so to be 10st 11lb puts me as overweight. I don't have much muscle, so it really is all fat.

I'm just getting a bit sick of staying the same regardless of my effort. My goal weight is about 119lb and i'm at 151lb, if I was to lose 1lb a month it'd be like 5 years before I reach my target weight!
Perhaps I am doing something obviously wrong and I just don't see it.

I should add that recently I have been having larger breakfasts so I don't snack in the morning.

Any advice?


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I've looked back a little in your diary and you need to HIT your daily goal not miss it.
    It's possible you're not eating enough.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I read your words than looked at your diary I would ask you to add your total calories for 2 weeks and see what your number really are. Look at what you should be eating 1230 plus some or all your exericise calories compaired to what you are really eatting.
    ? being are you really eatting enough 2nd exercise and lifting weights weight lifting to the only way to change your metabolism so try to add that to your exercise routine. lastly when you change things to fast your body doesn't get to catch up start by everyday for a month eat 1230 get exercise (lifting 3 days a week) alway eat 75 % of those calories and see what happens. Also we need to be 100 % honest all food put in diary weight things (NOT Measure) often.
    The bright side in 105 days you didn't gain weight is that wonderful!!!!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75

    Have you been keeping track of your measurements? Sometimes even with all the effort the weight may not go quickly but you should hopefully find that you have lost an inch or two around your waist/leg/arm etc
  • cmsnowden
    I feel your frustration, having joined in February I lost 5 pounds in 8 weeks and then gained back 3 pounds. I have not managed to lose anymore since. I too am 5 foot 3, and weigh 168. I have a personal trainer, I cycle to work, I do spinning classes, body combat clasess. When I was advised to eat back my exercise calories I gained weight...and it was not water weight. What I will say is keep on going, make sure you are eating enough, and take measurements and it may be that you are re-shaping your body.
    One of my colleagues at work is lending me their bodybugg equivalent to see where I am going wrong. I am fairly fit, but just can't seem to change the scales...and lose the fat.

    It seems that for some people weight loss is a slower process. The only time I was ever an average size/weight was when I walked to work 45 mins each way, was on my feet all day, and ran over 20 miles/week. Sadly those days are gone, but I would like to think I can get back to a healthier size.
    keep on exercising, as in the long run this will be of benefit.