I need more friends on here!

jjl080809 Posts: 23
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone, I recently started this site and need to add some more friends for inspiration and support - I'd love to encourage you and you encourage me!

My name is Janel - and I've been on a weight roller coaster my entire life. I've dropped alot and gained it back - several times! I have a cruise next year and really want to look good! This past year I went on a couple of trips and looking back at the pictures of myself in photos kind of taints the awesome memories of the trip.

I'm tired of being embarrased of the seat belts being too tight or worried about not fitting in/on something because of my size!


  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member

    lets be friends! I am with you on the pictures. I am a new mom and i have a 20 pound weight loss goal. I am doing it 10 pounds at a time. we can definitely support each other during our journey!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Good luck to you this is a great site to help you on your way. Personally I don't freind people that have their profile private, but I'm sure you will get plenty of friends here.
  • Adding you:smile:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    You can add me if you like. I have lost about 41 pounds with over 80 more to go! :blushing:
    I'm also doing it 10 pounds at a time and it's really slow going! But I know I didn't gain this weight overnight and as much as I would love it, it's not going to come off overnight!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I am a former yo-yo dieter myself :) You can friend me if you like.
  • HI Jane,

    Welcome. MFP has bee JUST want I needed to make a definite change in my habits. I've lost 13lbs with the help of MFP, and a total of 27lbs from my own personal "heavy weight". Things are going much better WITH MFP, as compared to without.

    Hope MFP turns out to be right for you, that you find it comfortable here, and that your weight loss journey ends happily.
  • Added!!!
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me x I could do with all the support I can get :)
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome aboard!! Make it a habit to keep logging on!! This is a great site. Add me if you like! Don't care if your profile is private we are all here for the same purpose of the lifestyle change!!
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Sending a request - I am just rejoined MFP, would love any friends!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I just sent you a request :) I have no friends on here yet :(
  • tracywba
    tracywba Posts: 21
    *waves* hello. I'm a yo-yo dieter. Each time I gain my weight back I end up bigger than before. I'm aiming for a weight loss of about 70llbs. I'm taking it slowly 1Llb at a time. Anyway I have sent you a friend request and I hope I can be of some encouragement to you
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi you've been added
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    Hi Just added you
  • HI! My name is Maren. I also have a trip planned in the fall that I want to look better/feel better for. I am stuck in a plateau right now and it is frustrating! MFP really does help. Feel free to add me.
  • Karenvonw
    Karenvonw Posts: 258 Member
    Let's be friends! I'm adding you now.
  • jjl080809
    jjl080809 Posts: 23
    Wow! Thanks for the support everyone!

    Being new - I'm not sure how the profile thing works when a couple of you commented on mine being private.. I know on facebook that means that I don't show up in a google search if someone were to type in my name, so thought that meant the same here? For some reason it seems easier to me to get support from strangers or online for my weight loss journey than it is to get it from my friends. Does that seem strange?

    Adding all of you helps me a lot - I'm getting excited for this journey, even though I know it will be a hard long road! :smile:

  • I just sent a request.
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