Loss of Pet = Weight Gain?

liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone,

Last week, after 14 wonderful years, we had to put my dog Lady to sleep. (She's the fluffy dog seen in my banner!) I was obviously devastated but managing well and thankful for the time I did have with her.

It's been over a week now and I have noticed that I am absolutely eating more than I usually would. My whole daily routine is so off. I have all of these moments throughout the day that used to be filled by taking care of her or spending time with her! Like whenever I come home from work, whenever I wake up in the morning and come downstairs, at night when I used to let her out and say goodnight, etc. These simple moments filled me with so much joy and now that is gone. I'm not depressed, I just don't know what else to do with myself now! And I have been filling the void with candy or food. I feel like I have an insatiable appetite or I need something to cheer me up - the dark chocolate usually works as a quick fix. I could go for a walk, but even that reminds me of the dog ... the park will never be the same.

My accountant told me that she gained 30 pounds when her dog died. I do not want this to happen to me, but I can see how it could. Getting another dog is not an option right now, it's too soon.

Has anyone ever experienced this or does anyone have any advice?


  • You're grieving, and sometimes you have to do what you have to do to grieve properly. I'd be okay with gaining a few after a loss of a 14 yr companion... when you're ready to refocus on your weight loss journey, you will. You can try switching the candy and stuff with healthier snacks and that might help... :) and when you're ready, you can get a new dog and love that dog as much as you loved Lady.

    Sorry for your loss. :(
  • *hugs* Im sorry for your loss :( Losing a pet is often likened to losing a loved one or family member... and for me it would be pretty much the same thing. I think you should give yourself time to grieve, first off. After that, try changing your patterns a little bit at a time - instead of going for walks to the park, try joining a gym or a walking group, or seeing friends, or something that makes you happy. It will become easier, just remember to be kind to yourself - its okay to be sad.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I am sorry for your loss. I know how painful it can be.

    It sounds like you are eating to ease the pain. Emotional eating is such an easy thing to do. You don't have to gain any weight just because you are grieving. Instead of eating, maybe you could go for a walk or some form of exercise. Find something other than eating to ease the pain. Eating never solved anything.

    Take care.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose a long time furry companion. You are grieving your loss right now. Do what you have to do to get through it. I know it's hard to do the things you did with Lady now but one day these memories will be comforting. It's a way to keep her with you always. When you are ready, go to the park and walk, and remember the good times you had with her there. It will be good for you physically and mentally and she will be there with you.
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    Not depressed? Well maybe not but certainly in mourning. Behavior modification. You stated in you post - you know exactly when you are most missing your beloved pet. Literally schedule in an activity, physical activity will raise your endorphin level and assist in elevating your mood during your grieving period. I suffered a similar loss and just about lost my poor little self, it hurt sooo much, but I practiced what I just told you and ended up losing weight because I was "moving" through my mourning.

    About adding another loved one to your life, don't wait too long. I waited too long, I won't bore you with details but 'pet people' need pets and I just waited too long and realized that when someone thrust a dog upon me (a few years later!). I agreed to help foster this rescue then realized the void I had left in my life by not having a pet or pets.

    On a happy note hoping to cheer you up. I am a big dog kind of person, or so I thought until someone thrust the pomeranian in need of rescue into my life. Her name is Jinxi and she has made her forever home in my heart. So when you do feel you might want to fill the void perhaps a different kind of pet, or not :). Hope your heart heals very very soon.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    I am very sorry for your loss. Right before Christmas I lost my dog of almost 17 years and my dog of 11 years within a week of each other. The older dog we had to put to sleep because she could no longer walk or stand on her own, and our other dog died in her sleep a few days later (my dad thinks it's because our other dog was gone). But I went through a lot. The 17 year old dog (jasmine) we got when we moved from Indy to where we live now. She was almost like my transition dog, and to lose a pet that has been like a family member, like a sister almost, that I had since I was 5 years old was really hard on me. I went through a few days of not wanting to eat, and then when I found my other dog passed awa in her sleep, I went through eating everything I saw. Emotions have a funny way of messing with your diet. I gained about 20 pounds fromthe time they died until the new year (about a month!) and I finally decided to take control. You need time to grieve, and you will slowly start to feel better. If you really feel like you need the motivation, take your emotions (I know I was angry at times) and put those into your workouts. I hope you start to getting beter, i know how hard it is.
  • I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Even though you say you aren't, well...of course you are depressed, you are grieving! I was a wreck when I had to put my dog to sleep, it took me a year to stop crying at the drop of a hat (even after we rescued another dog). I think you are using the food to numb the saddness you feel at the times youwould have spent with her...if you're eating you aren't feeling. Instead of eating at those moments you would have shared with her, let yourself feel it, let yoru self cry and feel sad...it's all part of the process. One of the worst things to do is try to stuff your feelings down with food (I know!!). Give it time, allow yourslef to grive the loss of a member of your family. It will get better, I promise :)
  • hhouger
    hhouger Posts: 3
    I know your pain too well! One suggestion: volunteer at your local animal shelter, be a friend to a few furry friends and remember how much a human companionship can mean to a furry friend - they need us almost as much as we need them. If it's too soon for another animal (I found getting another dog after my Winston died help a great deal), maybe you could do some volunteer fostering? Just some ideas, I am so very sorry for your loss, it does get better, but you will always feel that twinge in your chest when you remember all of the good times with Lady. Keep your head up, try to distribute the love other places - the food does not deserve it!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I have a 5 year old Puggle and a 10 year old Lab/Hound mix. I could NOT IMAGINE losing them. I have never had to go through a death of an animal yet and I really don't want to think about it even though my lab is getting old! To me, they ARE FAMILY. You are mourning the loss of a family member. I consider them my children lol.

    I know it is too soon for you to get another dog and I definitely do not recommend that because it will just make you more sad. It will just feel like a replacement and you don't want that. Like someone else said, you know when you feel like you need to indulge (like the time of day). So, schedule activities around that time.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Oh....you were so sweet to me when we lost our Noah a few weeks ago. I'm so, so sorry. You mentioned then that you were looking down the road at losing yours. Hang in there. You'll need to try to re-focus. I'm still grieving over Noah. And, I think I'll be grieving for awhile, so please try to focus on something else other than eating. My thoughts are with you.
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