Everybody Poops --- Accept Me :(



  • samantharae121205

    girls don't poop

    ahahahaaaaa.. :):)
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    girls don't poop

    Lmaooooo,or fart,we just have tummy bubbles

    I take a digestive enzyme
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member

    girls don't poop

    well played right there
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    I've had this problem my whole life until now! I would even try to take the fiber powders that you would put in the juices, but all they did was bloat me. I was told by a salesperson at a health food store to start taking shots of aloe vera gel before meals, flax seed oil in the morning and acidophillus. It worked! I did that for awhile and it helped tremendously. I became very regular. I only take the acidophillus now. I started taking Kyo Green and Chorophyll, which I think play a big part in keeping me regular also. I know it's a lot of stuff to take, but if it works I would think about trying it.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Sure: probiotics, fiber, water, is good. Those active cultures in Yogurts or acidophilus can be got straight in a capsule form. All good stuff for your innerds.

    Now let me say that some people are not right on this, it is totally in the normal range once a week. Don't fret. It's not as big a whoop as people make it out to be. Unless you are having issues. Like you say, low volume in, and it does take longer to bulk up and go through.

    Here's what works for me if I feel like I am backed up: prunes, chocolate and coffee all in the same meal (lol! Yes, if I'm getting desperate!) a big batch of spaghetti (quick food in, quick food out I guess is why that works for me). And lately I tried steel cut oats for the first time and talk about a big bunch of fiber! Right back out the first few times! I also noticed right away that if i'm eating low cal and low portions for a few weeks and then have a big meal, like a slacker day meal out, and bam! Out it all comes! I actually lose weight that next morning! Lots of hot sauce, or lots of hot peppers will sometimes hurry things up as well for me.

    Don't let people scare you. You don't need cleanses to be healthy.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    It's weird, but I had the same problem until I read a comment on here about coffee. Now every morning I wake up have a 8oz glass of coffee and about 1 hour later I have to go.

    Not sure if that's normal but it works for me.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    It's weird, but I had the same problem until I read a comment on here about coffee. Now every morning I wake up have a 8oz glass of coffee and about 1 hour later I have to go.

    Not sure if that's normal but it works for me.

    Coffee + oatmeal is a sure winner! Stimulant and fiber together!
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    I noticed a supplement was... ahem... helping me in that department (but I don't need help, really) so I recommended it to a friend who always has issues like yours. She happily reported that it works great! Might not work for everyone as it is a side effect.

    It's Alpha lipoic acid. Works even in the 100 mg version. Great for skin!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    My entire adult life I have been "regular." My version of "regular" is going to be MUCHO different than your version of "regular," i'm sure. I only have a BM (bowel Movement) every 5-7 days. This has been "regular" for me for so long now... I'm not at all constipated, I just don't have to go. Then BAM, I will have a day of cleaning out.

    Since "dieting" I have had a hard time dealing with this, I have tried eating more fiber and NOTHING, just makes me REALLY gassy. I have tried taking a (small) dose of laxative before bed and NOTHING. It's really hard to think of an entire 6" subway sub, lunches and 6 dinners and breakfasts and snacks just sitting in there doing nothing! :sad:

    Any advice or different products I should try? Please only send advice that you know has worked for you :wink:

    Thanks guys, your great!

    I have same issue--- I take Acidophilis, eat 2 prunes every morning, and drink a LOT of water....I have been going much more regularly.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    You need fats to keep things moving, you may not be eating enough of the good fats to help you in that area. it's not just fiber and water, fat is an essential part of waste removal.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    My entire adult life I have been "regular." My version of "regular" is going to be MUCHO different than your version of "regular," i'm sure. I only have a BM (bowel Movement) every 5-7 days. This has been "regular" for me for so long now... I'm not at all constipated, I just don't have to go. Then BAM, I will have a day of cleaning out.

    Since "dieting" I have had a hard time dealing with this, I have tried eating more fiber and NOTHING, just makes me REALLY gassy. I have tried taking a (small) dose of laxative before bed and NOTHING. It's really hard to think of an entire 6" subway sub, lunches and 6 dinners and breakfasts and snacks just sitting in there doing nothing! :sad:

    Any advice or different products I should try? Please only send advice that you know has worked for you :wink:

    Thanks guys, your great!

    More water?

    I don't know. I'm clockwork. My husband thinks it's so weird. His norm is like every few days or something ridiculous. He never eats vegetables though. haha
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    girls don't poop

    Just laughed SO hard.

    Also - the title of this topic made me lol.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Flax Seed. This works for me, and I was reading a post a few days ago about how it has helps other people too.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Now every morning I wake up have a 8oz glass of coffee and about 1 hour later I have to go.

  • bigmamma56
    When I went to the Canary Islands last October I did not go for a week! I went to the Doctors when I got home and he said that was probably due to the change of food and water. He told me the answer to constipation was to drink lots of water and a daily spoonful of Lactulose when required.
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    Colon Cleanse at Walmart for like $10. All herbal and works good.